The data files in this dataset contain monthly river flow rates and maximum yearly flow rates for selected rivers in Russia. The data files starting with a "QMN" or a "QMX" were obtained from Esther Munoz and Seelye Martin at University of Washington, School of Oceanography. The data were originally compiled by the State Hydrological Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia, which is part of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, Moscow, Russia. The data were acquired through a data exchange agreement with the State Hydrological Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia. Following is a listing of rivers, the associated file names, and the time period of data acquisition. File names prefixed with "QMX" are the maximum flow rate data for the year for each river. File names prefixed with "QMN" are monthly flow rate data for each river. Each "QMX" and "QMN" data set covers the same time period for a particular river. Start Date Stop Date River Location File Name Month/Yr Month/Yr ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Anadyr at Amu-Darya QMN01499.DAT 01/1958 12/1988 QMX01499.DAT 01/1958 12/1988 Kolyma at Svedne-Kolymsk QMN01801.DAT 01/1950 12/1988 QMX01801.DAT 01/1950 12/1988 Khatanga at Khatanga QMN03802.DAT 01/1961 12/1987 QMX03802.DAT 01/1961 12/1987 Olenek 7.5 km above R. Pur QMN03811.DAT 01/1951 12/1987 QMX03811.DAT 01/1951 12/1987 Lena at Kusur QMN03821.DAT 01/1950 12/1987 QMX03821.DAT 01/1950 12/1987 Yana at Dzanghky QMN03860.DAT 01/1950 12/1987 QMX03860.DAT 01/1950 12/1987 Indigirka at Vorontsovo QMN03871.DAT 01/1950 12/1987 QMX03871.DAT 01/1950 12/1987 Yenesei at Igarka QMN09803.DAT 01/1950 12/1987 QMX09803.DAT 01/1950 12/1987 Ob at Salekhard QMN11801.DAT 01/1950 12/1987 QMX11801.DAT 01/1950 12/1987 In each "QMN" file, each record contains the river id code in the first column (i.e, for the file QMN01499.DAT, the id code is 01499), the year in the second column, and the mean monthly flow rate (m**3/sec) for each month in the twelve remaining columns, starting with January and ending with December. In each "QMX" file, each record contains the river id code in the first column (i.e., for the file QMX01499.DAT, the id code is 01499), the year in the second column, the maximum flow rate for that year (m**3/sec) in the third column, and the day and month it occurred in the fourth column (i.e., a typical data value of 18.06 means the 18th day of June marked the maximum flow rate for that particular year). There are years when the maximum was reached on more than one day; extra columns are used for this information. The data file RUSSIA.DAT contains maximum daily, minimum daily, monthly, and annual river data for three rivers in Russia: Lena, Ob and Yenesei, and provide an additional data set to the river data described above. These data were originally compiled by UNESCO, and were given to us by Esther Munoz, School of Oceanography, University of Washington. UNESCO combined 4 of their river data sets to create these data. Information on which data sets were included in the combined data set is located in the data set RUSSIA.DAT. The format for the data file is: Columns Item -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - 8 Site ID 9 - 12 Year of data collection 13 - 96 Monthly flowrates (m**3/s) 97 -103 Annual average flowrate (m**3/s) 104 -110 Maximum daily flowrate (m**3/s) 111 -117 Date of maximum flowrate (dd-mmmm, where mmmm is in roman numerals) 118 -123 Minimum daily flowrate (m**3/s) 124 -130 Unused 131 -132 Data source code. Values are: 1=UNESCO Discharge Records, Volume 2 - pre 1965 2=UNESCO Discharge Records, Vol. 3, Part 1, 1965-1969 3=UNESCO Discharge Records, Vol. 3, Part 2 Supplement, 1965-1968 4=UNESCO Discharge Records, Vol. 3, Part 2, 1969-1972 Data values = 999999 - missing data The time periods of data collection for the three rivers are below, along with their latitude-longitude location, site ID, and basin name. The comments associated with each river record contain additional clarifying information. Site Start Date Stop Date River Basin ID Month/Yr Month/Yr Long/Lat --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lena at Kusur Laptev Sea MH70 01/1935 12/1971 127 39E 70 42N Comments: From 1935-1964, the Maximum Daily Discharge is actually the Maximum Instantaneous Discharge. From 1935-1964, the minumum discharge is actually the minumum mean daily discharge. From 1939 - 1946, the first 4 months of discharge values were calculated approximately. Ob at Salekhard Kara Sea GG66 01/1930 12/1972 66 32E 66 34N Comments: From 1930-1964, the Maximum Daily Discharge is actually the Maximum Instantaneous Discharge. From 1930-1964, the minumum discharge is actually the minumum mean daily discharge. Yenesei at Igarka Kara Sea IG67 01/1936 12/1972 86 30E 67 29N Comments: From 1936-1964, the Maximum Daily Discharge is actually the Maximum Instantaneous Discharge. From 1936-1964, the minumum discharge is actually the minumum mean daily discharge. If you need further information on any of the data listed above, you can contact Esther Munoz at University of Washington, School of Oceanography, WB-10, Seattle, Washington, 98195, Phone: (206) 543-8543, Internet: