TMD1 data are now available for 239 stations: update of 142 to previous 97. TMD2 data are now available for 242 stations: update of 139 to previous 103. TMD3 data are now available for 245 stations: update of 142 to previous 103. -Should be noted that stations TMD3.111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, and 120 were *supposed* to be part of CAPS II but were not; i.e. this is really an update of 152 stations to the previous 93 stations. TMD1 data's "depth of measurement (m)" is 0.02-0.20. Also of note is that while the 0.20 m depth overlaps between the TMD1 and TMD2 data, the values are generally (and disturbingly) not equal, probably because they were taken with different instruments (although differences can be quite large). Caveats: Although TMD2/TMD3 data are only supposed to be available for 0.2 m-3.2 m, this is not always the case. Many TMD2/TMD3 stations do have shallow data: 83 TMD2 and 49 TMD3 stations have data for 0.02 m-0.20 m. The file station_list.txt lists the stations by identification number, along with their region identification number, location (by longitude and latitude), and elevation.