ARCSS097: Model Output from MBL-GEM III for Typical Tussock Tundra in the Kuparuk River Basin, Alaska, 1921-2100 ------------------------------------------------------------------ PI: John Hobbie OTHERS: Ed Rastetter, Bonnie Kwiatkowski, Severine Le Dizes CONDITIONS FOR USE: Acceptance and use of this data requires that: The Principal Investigator is sent a notice stating reasons for acquiring any data and a description of the publication intentions. The Principal Investigator of the data set be sent a copy of the report or manuscript prior to submission and be adequately cited in any resultant publications. A copy of any resultant publications should be sent to: John Hobbie Ecosystems Center Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, MA 02543 BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Output data set of the MBL-GEM III model run for tussock tundra in the Kuparuk River Basin, Alaska, described in detail in Le Dizes et al. (in press): Le Dizes, S., Kwiatkowski B.L., Rastetter E.B., Hope A., Hobbie J.E., Stow D., Daeschner S., Modelling biogeochemical responses of tundra ecosystems to temporal and spatial variations in climate in the Kuparuk River Basin (Alaska), In press "Journal of Geophysical Research". We ran the model at a 10 km x 10 km resolution for 123 cells at a yearly time step for 180 years, from 1921 to 2100. Two scenarios enabled the investigation of the effects of two opposing climate change scenarios for the 2001-2100 future period: warmer and wetter ("wet scenario" or Scenario 1) and warmer and drier ("dry scenario" or Scenario 2). These 246 files contain all simulation results for each scenario for individual cells in the Kuparuk River basin. RESEARCH LOCATION: Kuparuk River basin, Alaska METHODS: The Kuparuk River watershed was divided into 123, 10*10 km grid cells. The cells are labeled Cell 1 - 123 from north-west to south-east (Toolik Lake is located in Cell 119). We applied the model one grid cell at a time for the 10 km x 10 km resolution predefined map. We assumed there was no interaction between adjacent grid cells. We ran MBL-GEM III to steady state for each of the grid cells, using the reconstructed 1921-1925 average climate. (Le Dizes et al., in press). When the steady state was reached, the drivers were varied yearly based on the historical reconstruction of climate and CO2 (1921-2000) and the two predicted future climate scenarios (2001-2100). These simulations use the tussock tundra calibration developed by Le Dizes et al. (in press) for Toolik Lake, Alaska. For more information, including analysis and discussion of these results, see Le Dizes et al. (in press). MODEL NAME: MBL-GEM III version described in Le Dizes et al. (in press). FORMAT OF FILES: File Name: Drycell001.txt through Drycell123.txt and Wetcell001.txt through Wetcell123.txt File Type: Ascii text File naming convention: YYYcellXXX.txt where YYY = Dry (dry scenario) or Wet (wet scenario) and XXX = 001-123 is cell number for locations as defined below (see CELL LOCATIONS section). Files are space delimited, all fields are 20 characters wide with one blank space separating fields. Row one contains variable names (alpha-numeric) Row two contains units (alpha-numeric) Remaining rows contain numeric values: Column one (time) is in integer format, remaining columns are in scientific notation with the following format X.XXXXXXXXXXXXE+XXX NUMBER OF RECORDS: 180 plus two header records NUMBER OF COLUMNS: 154 VARIABLE DESCRIPTION: All variables are for tussock tundra under the climate scenario described above. Col Variable name units comments 1 Time year 2 CO2 ppmv 3 Daily Air Temp max deg C Average maximum daily temperature for growing season 4 Daily Air Temp min deg C Average minimum daily temperature for growing season 5 Daily Shortwave Rad. MJ m-2 day-1 Average daily short-wave radiation 6 Precipitation m H2O yr-1 7 NH4 Deposition gN m-2 yr-1 8 Plant Act Seas Leng days active season length for vegetation 9 Soil Act Seas Leng days active season length for soil 10 Foliage Carbon gC m-2 11 Wood Carbon gC m-2 12 Root Carbon gC m-2 13 Foliage Nitrogen gN m-2 14 Wood Nitrogen gN m-2 15 Root Nitrogen gN m-2 16 Labile Foliage C gC m-2 17 Labile Wood C gC m-2 18 Labile Root C gC m-2 19 Labile Foliage N gC m-2 20 Labile Wood N gC m-2 21 Labile Root N gC m-2 22 Soluble SC gC m-2 Acid soluble soil C 23 Extractive SC gC m-2 Polar plus non-polar extractable soil C 24 Insoluble SC gC m-2 Acid insoluble soil C 25 Humus SC gC m-2 Humus soil C 26 Active SN gN m-2 Active soil organic N 27 Humus SN gN m-2 Humus Soil organic N 28 Soil NH4 gN m-2 29 dFoliage Carbondt gC m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 30 dWood Carbondt gC m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 31 dRoot Carbondt gC m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 32 dFoliage Nitrogendt gN m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 33 dWood Nitrogendt gN m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 34 dRoot Nitrogendt gN m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 35 dLabile Foliage Cdt gC m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 36 dLabile Wood Cdt gC m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 37 dLabile Root Cdt gC m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 38 dLabile Foliage Ndt gC m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 39 dLabile Wood Ndt gC m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 40 dLabile Root Ndt gC m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 41 dSoluble SCdt gC m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 42 dExtractive SCdt gC m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 43 dInsoluble SCdt gC m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 44 dHumus SCdt gC m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 45 dActive SNdt gN m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 46 dHumus SNdt gN m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 47 dSoil NH4dt gN m-2yr-1 Annual rate of change for state variable listed above 48 Net Plant Prod. gC m-2 yr-1 Net primary production (NPP) 49 Total Plant Resp. gC m-2 yr-1 Total plant respiration 50 Total Litt C gC m-2 yr-1 Total litter C 51 Total Litt N gN m-2 yr-1 Total litter N 52 Photosynthesis gC m-2 yr-1 53 N Translocation gN m-2 yr-1 Total N translocation from leaves before tissue abscission 54 Structural Transloca g N m-2 yr-1 N translocation from structural component 55 Labile Translocation g N m-2 yr-1 N translocation from labile component 56 NH4 Uptake gN m-2 yr-1 57 Min root C:N g C g-1 N Minimum root C:N ratio (diagnostic variable) 58 C storage to Clf gC m-2 yr-1 Gross C flux to labile component of leaves 59 C storage to Clw gC m-2 yr-1 Gross C flux to labile component of wood 60 C storage to Clr gN m-2 yr-1 Gross C flux to labile component of roots 61 N storage to Nlf gC m-2 yr-1 Gross N flux to labile component of leaves 62 N storage to Nlw gN m-2 yr-1 Gross N flux to labile component of wood 63 N storage to Nlr gN m-2 yr-1 Gross N flux to labile component of roots 64 Transport from Clf gC m-2 yr-1 Gross C flux out of labile component of leaves 65 Transport from Clw gC m-2 yr-1 Gross C flux out of labile component of wood 66 Transport from Clr gC m-2 yr-1 Gross C flux out of labile component of roots 67 Transport from Nlf gN m-2 yr-1 Gross N flux out of labile component of leaves 68 Transport from Nlw gN m-2 yr-1 Gross N flux out of labile component of wood 69 Transport from Nlr gN m-2 yr-1 Gross N flux out of labile component of roots 70 Net C Alloc to Clf gC m-2 yr-1 Net C flux to labile component of leaves 71 Net C Alloc to Clw gC m-2 yr-1 Net C flux to labile component of wood 72 Net C Alloc to Clr gC m-2 yr-1 Net C flux to labile component of roots 73 Net N Alloc to Nlf gN m-2 yr-1 Net N flux to labile component of leaves 74 Net N Alloc to Nlw gN m-2 yr-1 Net N flux to labile component of wood 75 Net N Alloc to Nlr gN m-2 yr-1 Net N flux to labile component of roots 76 Foliage C Growth gC m-2 yr-1 77 Wood C Growth gC m-2 yr-1 78 Root C Growth gC m-2 yr-1 79 Foliage N Growth gN m-2 yr-1 80 Wood N Growth gN m-2 yr-1 81 Root N Growth gN m-2 yr-1 82 Sapwood gC m-2 Sapwood C 83 Sapwood Nitrogen g N m-2 84 Tot Foliage Litter C gC m-2 yr-1 Total litter C from leaves 85 Total Wood Litter C gC m-2 yr-1 Total litter C form wood 86 Total Root Litter C gC m-2 yr-1 Total litter C from roots 87 Tot Foliage Litter N gN m-2 yr-1 Total litter N from leaves 88 Total Wood Litter N gN m-2 yr-1 Total litter N form wood 89 Total Root Litter N gN m-2 yr-1 Total litter N from roots 90 Str Foliage Litter C gC m-2 yr-1 Structural litter C from leaves 91 Str Wood Litter C gC m-2 yr-1 Structural litter C form wood 92 Str Root Litter C gC m-2 yr-1 Structural litter C from roots 93 Str Foliage Litter N gN m-2 yr-1 Structural litter N from leaves 94 Str Wood Litter N gN m-2 yr-1 Structural litter N form wood 95 Str Root Litter N gN m-2 yr-1 Structural litter N from roots 96 Lab Foliage Litter C gC m-2 yr-1 Labile litter C from leaves 97 Lab Wood Litter C gC m-2 yr-1 Labile litter C form wood 98 Lab Root Litter C gC m-2 yr-1 Labile litter C from roots 99 Lab Foliage Litter N gN m-2 yr-1 Labile litter N from leaves 100 Lab Wood Litter N gN m-2 yr-1 Labile litter N form wood 101 Lab Root Litter N gN m-2 yr-1 Labile litter N from roots 102 Foliage Respiration gC m-2 yr-1 Total respiration from leaves 103 Wood Respiration gC m-2 yr-1 Total respiration from wood 104 Root Respiration gC m-2 yr-1 Total respiration from roots 105 Metabolic Fol. Resp. g C m-2 yr-1 metabolic respiration from leaves 106 Metabolic Wood Resp. g C m-2 yr-1 metabolic respiration from wood 107 Metabolic Root Resp. g C m-2 yr-1 metabolic respiration from roots 108 Foliage Growth Resp. g C m-2 Growth respiration from leaves 109 Wood Growth Resp. g C m-2 Growth respiration from wood 110 Root Growth Resp. g C m-2 Growth respiration from roots 111 Resp Temp. Func. Unitless Temperature response function for plant respiration 112 Foliage Primary Prod g C m-2 yr-1 Tissue NPP 113 Wood Primary Prod g C m-2 yr-1 Tissue NPP 114 Root Primary Prod g C m-2 yr-1 Tissue NPP 115 Vegetation Carbon g C m-2 Total C in vegetation 116 Vegetation Nitrogen g N m-2 Total n in vegetation 117 Foliage C:N g C g-1 N 118 Wood C:N g C g-1 N 119 Root C:N g C g-1 N 120 Air Temperature deg C Average air temperature 121 Plant Season Length days-1 122 Soil Temperature deg C 123 Litter C-Soluble SC gC m-2 yr-1 Litter input to acid soluble component of soils 124 Litter C-Extract SC gC m-2 yr-1 Litter input to polar plus non-polar extractive component of soils 125 Litter C-Insol SC gC m-2 yr-1 Litter input to acid insoluble component of soils 126 Solub SC-Extract SC gC m-2 yr-1 C flux from acid soluble to extractive componet of soil 127 Extract SC-Insol SC gC m-2 yr-1 C flux from extractive to acid insoluble component of soils 128 Insol SC-Extract SC gC m-2 yr-1 C flux from acid insoluble to extractive component of soils 129 Insol SC-Humus SC gC m-2 yr-1 C flux from acid insolubel to humus component of soils 130 Extractives Resp. gC m-2 yr-1 Respiration from active soil components 131 Humus Resp. gC m-2 yr-1 Respiration from humus 132 Soil Resp Temp Facto days yr-1 temperature response function for soil metabolic rate 133 Active SN-Humus SN gN m-2 yr-1 N flux from active organic N to humus N 134 Act SN-Inorg SN gN m-2 yr-1 Gross N mineralizatin from active N 135 Inorg SN-Act SN gN m-2 yr-1 Gross N immobilization into active organic N 136 Humus SN-Inorg SN gN m-2 yr-1 Gross mineralization from Humus N 137 Total Soil Resp. gC m-2 yr-1 Total microbial respiration from soils 138 Net N Min. gN m-2 yr-1 Net N mineralization 139 Total Soil Carbon g C m-2 140 Total Soil Nitrogen g N m-2 141 Soil Water mm H2O 142 Decomp Moisture Fact unitless Moisture response function for microbial metabolism 143 Water Discharge m H2O yr-1 144 Aqueous Soil NH4 umol N L-1 NH4 concentration in soil water 145 Solid phase Soil NH4 g N m-2 NH4 sorbed to soil particles 146 NH4 Leaching Loss gN m-2 yr-1 147 Total Foliage Carbon gC m-2 148 Total Wood Carbon gC m-2 149 Total Root Carbon gC m-2 150 Total Foliage Nit. gN m-2 Total tissue N (labiel plus structural) 151 Total Wood Nit. gN m-2 Total tissue N (labiel plus structural) 152 Total Root Nit. gN m-2 Total tissue N (labiel plus structural) 153 Net Ecosys Prod. gC m-2 yr-1 Net Ecosystem Production 154 Evapotranspiration m H20 yr-1 OTHER DATA FILES TO REFERENCE: DryCell001.txt through DryCell123.txt and WetCell001.txt through WetCell123.txt CELL LOCATIONS: Latitude and longitude are approximate locations of the center of each 10 km by 10 km cell. Cell Latitude Longitude 1 70.44 149.0 2 70.44 148.7 3 70.44 148.4 4 70.35 149.0 5 70.35 148.7 6 70.35 148.4 7 70.26 149.2 8 70.26 149.0 9 70.26 148.7 10 70.17 149.5 11 70.17 149.2 12 70.17 149.0 13 70.17 148.7 14 70.08 149.8 15 70.08 149.5 16 70.08 149.2 17 70.08 149.0 18 69.99 150.3 19 69.99 150.0 20 69.99 149.8 21 69.99 149.5 22 69.99 149.2 23 69.99 149.0 24 69.90 150.3 25 69.90 150.0 26 69.90 149.8 27 69.90 149.5 28 69.90 149.2 29 69.90 149.0 30 69.90 148.7 31 69.81 150.3 32 69.81 150.0 33 69.81 149.8 34 69.81 149.5 35 69.81 149.2 36 69.81 149.0 37 69.81 148.7 38 69.72 150.6 39 69.72 150.3 40 69.72 150.0 41 69.72 149.8 42 69.72 149.5 43 69.72 149.2 44 69.72 149.0 45 69.72 148.7 46 69.63 150.6 47 69.63 150.3 48 69.63 150.0 49 69.63 149.8 50 69.63 149.5 51 69.63 149.2 52 69.63 149.0 53 69.63 148.7 54 69.63 148.4 55 69.54 150.6 56 69.54 150.3 57 69.54 150.0 58 69.54 149.8 59 69.54 149.5 60 69.54 149.2 61 69.54 149.0 62 69.54 148.7 63 69.54 148.4 64 69.45 150.6 65 69.45 150.3 66 69.45 150.0 67 69.45 149.8 68 69.45 149.5 69 69.45 149.2 70 69.45 149.0 71 69.45 148.7 72 69.45 148.4 73 69.36 150.6 74 69.36 150.3 75 69.36 150.0 76 69.36 149.8 77 69.36 149.5 78 69.36 149.2 79 69.36 149.0 80 69.36 148.7 81 69.27 150.3 82 69.27 150.0 83 69.27 149.8 84 69.27 149.5 85 69.27 149.2 86 69.27 149.0 87 69.27 148.7 88 69.18 150.3 89 69.18 150.0 90 69.18 149.8 91 69.18 149.5 92 69.18 149.2 93 69.18 149.0 94 69.18 148.7 95 69.09 150.0 96 69.09 149.8 97 69.09 149.5 98 69.09 149.2 99 69.09 149.0 100 69.00 150.0 101 69.00 149.8 102 69.00 149.5 103 69.00 149.2 104 69.00 149.0 105 68.91 150.0 106 68.91 149.8 107 68.91 149.5 108 68.91 149.2 109 68.91 149.0 110 68.82 149.8 111 68.82 149.5 112 68.82 149.2 113 68.82 149.0 114 68.73 149.8 115 68.73 149.5 116 68.73 149.2 117 68.73 149.0 118 68.64 149.8 119 68.64 149.5 120 68.64 149.2 121 68.55 149.5 122 68.55 149.2 123 68.55 149.0 FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: John Hobbie Ecosystems Center Marine Biological Laboratory 7 MBL St. Woods Hole, MA 02543 (508) 289-7470 Email: REFERENCE CITATIONS: Le Dizes, S., Kwiatkowski B.L., Rastetter E.B., Hope A., Hobbie J.E., Stow D., Daeschner S. In Press. Modelling biogeochemical responses of tundra ecosystems to temporal and spatial variations in climate in the Kuparuk River Basin (Alaska), "Journal of Geophysical Research". ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This research was supported by funds from the National Science Foundation (NSF-LTER 0221000# and NSF-OPP 9732281). We wish to thank D. Walker and L. Hinzman for data.