Radiocarbon Dates and Pollen Data, Peterson Erosional Remnant, Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska


This data set consists of pollen data and radiocarbon (14C) dates resulting from microscopic analysis and mass spectrometry of soil cores taken from the Peterson Erosional Remnant, located on the Arctic Coastal Plain near Barrow, Alaska. Data are contained in four files, and include raw pollen counts listed by depth; counts for each coded pollen or microfossil type for each depth; the percent of each pollen or microfossil type by depth; radiocarbon (14C) dates expressed in calibrated years BP; and a pollen dictionary of codes used and Latin pollen/microfossil names. Data are in ASCII format, and are available via FTP.

These data are part of a study of paleoenvironment, processes, and carbon stocks of thaw-lake basins on the Arctic Coastal Plain. The Peterson Erosional Remnant is a "non-basin" site that can be used to determine the overall age of the landscape in which thaw lakes have formed and drained.

Citing These Data

Eisner, Wendy R., James G. Bockheim, Kenneth M. Hinkel, and Richard Beck. 2004. Radiocarbon dates and pollen data, Peterson Erosional Remnant, Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. Boulder, CO: National Center for Atmospheric Research, ARCSS Data Archive.

Overview Table

Category Description
Data format Tab-delimited ASCII
Spatial coverage and resolution Northern Latitude: 71°04' N
Western Latitude: 156°24' W
Spatial resolution: 1 cm depth
Temporal coverage and resolution Soil cores were collected in August 2001 and April 2002. Measurements were completed between 15 April 2002 and 15 August 2003.
File size The data are in four files, ranging in size from 3 KB to 35 KB, and totaling 80 KB.
Parameter(s) Radiocarbon dates, calibrated radiocarbon dates, pollen, microfossils
Procedures for obtaining data Data are available for ordering through NCAR.

Table of Contents

1. Contacts and Acknowledgments
2. Detailed Data Description
3. Data Access and Tools
4. Data Acquisition and Processing
5. References and Related Publications
6. Document Information

1. Contacts and Acknowledgments

Investigator(s) Name and Title

Wendy R. Eisner
Department of Geography, ML 131
2624 Clifton Ave.
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0131 USA

James G. Bockheim
Department of Soil Science
1525 Observatory Dr.
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53706 USA

Kenneth M. Hinkel
Department of Geography, ML 131
2624 Clifton Ave.
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0131 USA

Richard Beck
Department of Geography, ML 131
2624 Clifton Ave.
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0131 USA

Technical Contact

NCAR User Services
National Center for Atmospheric Research
PO Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-300  USA


The National Science Foundation (NSF) Geography and Regional Sciences and Arctic System Science (ARCSS) programs funded the data collection. The following grants apply:

National Science Foundation Grants OPP 0240174 and 0240338: Collaborative Research: Investigation of Paleoenvironment, Geomorphic Processes, and Carbon Stocks of Drained Thaw-Lake Basins, Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska.

2. Detailed Data Description

Pollen were analyzed by type and frequency using Tilia and Tilia-Graph software (pollen analysis and graphing software).

Radiocarbon dating was performed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, using radiocarbon Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) dating. This method is based on the direct detection of 14C in the sample, yielding highly accurate dates with very small sample sizes.


Data are in tab-delimited ASCII text format.

File and Directory Structure

The data consist of four files, each with a different structure:

PERBAS.xls: This file contains raw pollen counts. The first column specifies the sample depth (cm). Subsequent columns list the raw pollen count for each pollen or microfossil type. See "PERDIC.DIC" for pollen/microfossil codes and names.

PER_Percentage.xls: This file contains percent pollen data listed by depth (cm). The first column specifies the sample depth (cm). Subsequent columns list pollen percentages for each pollen or microfossil type. See "PERDIC.DIC" for pollen/microfossil codes and names.

PER_C14_Dates.xls: This file contains 14C radiocarbon dating information.

Column A contains the CAMS (Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Livermore National Laboratory) lab number.
Column B contains the sample depth (cm).
Column C contains the deflated depth (cm).
Column D lists the uncalibrated radiocarbon date (ybp).
Column E lists the date range (ybp).
Column F lists the 2σ midpoint (years).
Column G lists the calibrated date 2σ range (ybp).
Column H lists the material sampled.

PERDIC.DIC: This file gives the pollen/microfossil codes used in the pollen data, and their Latin names.

File Size

The four files range in size from 3 to 35 KB, and total 80 KB.

Spatial Coverage

Soil cores were obtained from the Peterson Erosional Remnant, Barrow Peninsula, Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. One soil core was subjected to 14C analysis.

Southernmost Latitude: 71°04' N
Northernmost Latitude: 71°04' N
Westernmost Longitude: 156°24' W
Easternmost Longitude: 156°24' W

Spatial Resolution

Sample depths range from 2 to 159 cm; intervals vary. See "PERBAS.xls" for pollen count intervals.

Temporal Coverage

Soil cores were collected in August 2001 and April 2002. Measurements were completed between 15 April 2002 and 15 August 2003.

Parameter or Variable

Parameter Description

Parameters measured included pollen/microfossil types, counts, and percentages; and radiocarbon (14C) dates (ybp).

3. Data Access and Tools

Data Access

Data are available for ordering through NCAR.

Related Data Collections

4. Data Acquisition and Processing

Processing Steps

Processing of soil samples, subsequent analysis and radiocarbon dating and calibration are described in detail in Hinkel et al., 2003, "Spatial extent, age and carbon stocks in drained thaw lake basins on the Barrow Peninsula, Alaska" (see "References and Related Publications," below).

5. References and Related Publications

More information related to this project may be obtained from the project web site, "Thaw Lakes of Northern Alaska" (

Bockheim, J. G., K.M. Hinkel, W.R. Eisner, and X.Y. Dai. 2004. Carbon pools and accumulation rates in an age-series of soils in drained thaw-lake basins, arctic Alaska. Soil Science Society of America Journal 68: 697-704.

Eisner, W.R., J.G. Bockheim, K.M. Hinkel, T.A. Brown, F.E. Nelson, K.M. Peterson, and B.J. Jones. Holocene Landscape Change on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska: Paleoecological evidence from deep organic deposits of an erosional landscape remnant. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, and Palaeoecology: in review.

Eisner, W.R., K.M. Hinkel, J.G. Bockheim, and F.E. Nelson. 2003. Late-Quaternary paleoenvironmental record from a palsa-scale frost mound in arctic Alaska. In Eighth International Conference on Permafrost, Zurich, 21-25 July 2003, Zurich, Switzerland. Eds. M. Phillips, S.M.Springman, and L.U. Arenson. Lisse: A.A. Balkema Publishers, 229-234.

Hinkel, K.M., W.R. Eisner, J.G. Bockheim, F.E. Nelson., K.M. Peterson, and X.Y. Dai. 2003. Spatial extent, age, and carbon stocks in drained thaw lake basins on the Barrow Peninsula, Alaska. Arctic, Alpine, and Antarctic Research 35(3): 291-300.

Kaufman, D.S., T.A. Ager, N.J. Anderson, P.M. Anderson, J.T. Andrews, P.J. Bartlein, L.B. Brubaker, L.L. Coats, L.C. Cwynar, M.L. Duvall, A.S. Dyke, M.E. Edwards, W.R. Eisner, K. Gajewski, A. Geirsdóttir, F.S. Hu, A.E. Jennings, M.R. Kaplan, M.W. Kerwin. A.V. Lozhkin, G.M. MacDonald, G.H. Miller, C.J. Mock, W.W. Oswald, B.L. Otto-Bliesner, D.F. Porinchu, K. Rühland, J.P. Smol, E.J. Steig, and B.B. Wolfe. 2004. Holocene Thermal Maximum in the Western Arctic (0 - 180°W). Quaternary Science Reviews 23: 529-560.

6. Document Information

Document Creation Date

20 November 2004

Document URL