May 11, 2005 This file contains the description of the mrf station data derived from the MRF-AVN runs intended for ARM single model comparison and other uses of the column models. record 1 ... 12 integers hour (e.g.00) month (e.g.11) day (e.g.7) year (e.g.2000) nsfc # of surface variables (e.g. 25) nflx # of flux variables (e.g.28) nvar # of variables for each sounding (e.g.7) levs # of vertical levels for each sounding (e.g.42) npoint # of station points (e.g.50) starting forecast hour (e.g.0) ending forecast hour (e.g.48) forecast output step (e.g.3) record 2 ... vertical sounding levels (real*4) sigi(levs+1), sigl(levs) where sigi denotes the interface and sigl the model levels All vertical level variables start from the near surface level the following are looped over # of station points and forecast time record 3 ... surface variables (real*4) latitude of station (degree) longitude of station (degree) zsfc surface height for the station (m) psfc surface pressure for the station (0.001*Pa) dpsdt surface pressure tendency (Pa/sec) tsfc surface temperature (K) soilm1 first soil layer volumetric water content () soilm2 second soil layer volumetric water content () soilm3 third soil layer volumetric water content () soilm4 fourth soil layer volumetric water content () snow water equivalent snow depth (m) soilt1 first soil layer temperature (K) soilt2 second soil layer temperature (K) soilt3 third soil layer temperature) (K) soilt4 fourth soil layer temperature (K) tg3 deep soil temperature, fixed for time) (K) z0 surface roughness length) (cm) cv convective cloud fraction, no longer used, set to default) cvb convective cloud base pressureno longer used, set to default) cvt convective cloud top pressureno longer used, set to default) albedo1 albedo for visible with strong zenith angle dependency (fraction) albedo2 albedo for visible with weak zenith angle dependency (fraction) albedo3 albedo for near-IR with strong zenith angle dependency (fraction) albedo4 albedo for near-IR with weak zenith angle dependency (fraction) slimsk flag: sea(0) land(1) and ice(2) vegfrac vegetation fraction) () f10m 10-meter wind speed over lowest model wind speed canopy canopy water content (m) vegtype vegetation type 1-13 soiltype soil type 1-9 vegfrac1 vegfrac type 1 used in radiation vegfrac2 vegfrac type 2 used in radiation uustar () ffmm () ffhh () hice sea ice thickness) fice sea ice fraction) tprcp precipitation) (m) srflag snow-rain flag (1=snow, 0=rain) snwdpth actual snow depth over land (mm) slc1 first layer total soil water slc2 second layer total soil water slc3 third layer total soil water slc4 fourth layer total soil water shdmin minimum vegetation fraction shdmax maximum vegetation fraction slope slope type (integer 1-9) snoalb maximum snow albedo orog orography (m) N.B. record 4 should be skipped if the number nflx in the header record is zero as this would be the case for GDAS files. record 4 ... flux type variables (real*4) lsmask (land(0) sea(1) mask) ustress (stress in zonal direction) (N/m**2) vstress (stress in meridional direction) (N/m**2) shf (sensible heat flux) (W/m**2) lhf (latent heat flux) (W/m**2) dlws (downward long wave flux at surface) (W/M**2) ulws (upward long wave flux at surface) (W/M**2) ulwt (upward long wave flux at toa) (W/M**2) uswt (upward short wave flux at toa) (W/M**2) usws (upward short wave flux at surface) (W/M**2) dsws (downward short wave flux at surface) (W/M**2) cldh (high cloud fraction) () cldm (mid cloud fraction) () cldl (low cloud fraction) () precip (precipitation accumulated between outputs) (kg/m**2) cnvprc (conv precipitation accumulated between outputs)(kg/m**2) gflx (ground heat flux) (W/m**2) u10 (model derived 10-meter zonal wind) (m/s) v10 (model derived 10-meter meridional wind) (m/s) t2 (model derived 2-meter temperature) (K) q2 (model derived 2-meter specific humidity) (g/g) psfc (surface pressure again) (hPa) tmax (maximum temp between outputs) (K) tmin (minimum temp between outputs) (K) ugrw (zonal stress due to gravity wave drag) (W/m**2) vgrw (meridional stress due to gravity wave drag) (W/m**2) hpbl (model diagnosed planetary boundary layer depth) (m) albedo (effective model albedo..derived) () cldpbl (pbl cloud fraction) () All records that follows are real*4 record 5 ... levs of model zonal wind velocity (m/s) record 6 ... levs of model meridional wind velocity (m/s) record 7 ... levs of model temperature (K) record 8 ... levs of model specific humidity (g/g) record 9 ... levs of model pressure (mPa) if( record 10 ... levs of model derived omega (mPa/sec) This is an inadvertant unit selection due to making two unit conversions. mPa is milli-Pascal. record 11 ... levs of model derived dtdt (advection) (K/sec) record 12 ... levs of model derived dqdt (advection) (g/g/sec) if( record 13 ... levs of model cloud water/ice concentration (g/g) record 14 ... levs of model derived cloud water tendency (advection) (g/g/sec) record 15 ... levs of model cloud fraction loop over npoint loop over time