GIST ARM-CART Upper Air Sounding Datasets 1.0 General Description This is one of the upper air sounding datasets developed for the GEWEX Continental scale International Project (GCIP) Integrated System Test (GIST) conducted from 01 April to 31 August 1994. Included in this dataset are four Atmospheric Radiation Measurement - Clouds And Radiation Testbed (ARM-CART) sounding stations; Central Facility OK, Hillsboro KS, Morris OK and Vici OK. The area covered by the GIST experiment extends from approximately 91W to 107W longitude and 31N to 40N latitude. 2.0 Detailed Data Description 2.1 Data Remarks ARM-CART files from April 8, 1994 through May 20, 1994 were delivered as two separate files, one wind file and one thermodynamic file. These files were merged by OFPS to create a final sounding for each pair of files. ARM-CART soundings were not available for the following days: 940401 through 940407, 940605, 940612, 940619, 940626, 940703, 940710, 940717. 3.0 Quality Control Processing ARM-CART soundings were Quality Controlled (Lesht 1995) and provided to UCAR/OFPS by the ARM-CART Project. This dataset underwent an OFPS QC process which consisted of internal consistency checks. This included "reasonable" limit checks on all parameters and rate-of-change checks on temperature, pressure and ascension rate. OFPS did not perform visual quality control procedures on this data. 4.0 References B.M.Lesht 1995: An Evaluation of ARM Radiosonde Operational Performance. Preprint Volume, Ninth Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, American Meteorological Society, Charlotte, North Carolina.