Title: EqPOS_sonde_data Author(s): Yoichi Inai, Shuji Aoki, Hideyuki Honda 404 Phys.A Center for A.O. Tohoku univ. Graduate school of Science 6-3 Aoba Aramaki Aoba-ku Sendai 980-8578 Japan, +81 22-795-5794/+81 22-795-5797(FAX) yinai@caos-a.geophys.tohoku.ac.jp 1.0 Data Set Overview: Introduction or abstract: Sonde-sounding data over Hakuho-maru with altitude range of 250 - 20000 m (geopotential height). The data include Geopotential height, Longitude, Latitude, Pressure, Temperature, Zonal and Meridional winds, Relative Humidity, Frostpoint, Ozone mixing ratio, and CO2 mixing ratio. Time period covered by the data: 20120202 - 20120208 Physical location (including lat/lon/elev) of the measurement or platform: Between 95.5deg W and 115.1deg W in longitude / around 0deg latitude / altitude range from 250 to 20000 m (geopotential height). 2.0 Instrument Description: Brief text (i.e., 1-2 paragraphs) describing the instrument with references: Geopotential height, Longitude, Latitude, Pressure, Temperature, Zonal and Meridional winds and Relative Humidity were measured by RS-06G radiosonde (MEISEI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.). Frostpoint was measured by Cryogenic Frostpoint Hygrometer (CFH: e.g., Voemel et al., 2007, JGR). Ozone mixing ratio was measured by electrochemical concentration cells (ECC) ozonsonde. CO2 mixing ratio was measured by CO2-sonde (MEISEI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.). 3.0 Data Collection and Processing: Description of data collection: The data were not collected, but all data were interpolated every 250 m geopotential height. All data were measured during sonde-ascending period. Sonde launching times are described in each title of data file (UTC). The following values denote: -999. = missing data -998. = unusable or non-public data. Description of derived parameters and processing techniques used Description of quality assurance and control procedures Data intercomparisons, if applicable 4.0 Data Format: All data are ASCII text file. The physical values and the unit are described in the header (ASCII) of each data file. Data file structure and file naming conventions (e.g., column delimited ASCII, NetCDF, GIF, JPEG, etc.) Data format and layout (i.e., description of header/data records, sample records) List of parameters with units, sampling intervals, frequency, range Data version number and date Description of flags, codes used in the data, and definitions (i.e., good, questionable, missing, estimated, etc.) 5.0 Data Remarks: PI's assessment of the data (i.e., disclaimers, instrument problems, quality issues, etc.) Missing data periods Software compatibility (i.e., list of existing software to view/manipulate the data) 6.0 References: List of documents cited in this data set description. Please provide links for any publications, if available.