IKP data file header description: Stimech: time (hh:mm:ss) UTC Slat: latitude, decimal degrees Slong: longitude, decimal degrees East SIAltm: INS Altitude, meters SINShead: INS heading, degrees true Spress: Static pressure (mb) SSAT: Static air temperature (deg C) STAT: Total air temperature (deg C) SRHWVSS: Relative humidity from WVSS (percent) STAS: True airspeed (m/s) Szaccg: INS vertical acceleration (g units) Swdir: Wind direction (deg true) Swspd: Wind speed (m/s) XKBZR5s IKP TWC, background humidity removed, g/m3, 5 second centered average All data the same as IKP2 Version 4 data distribution except final variable XKBZR5s (5 second) computed from previous XKBZRgm3 (1-second) and substituted State parameter data provided from the SAFIRE data files F20_1Hz-HAIC_base_aipov_v2_*.txt.