DYCOMS-II Aircraft: C-130 Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) Level-I Data (Snider) 1.0 General Information The C-130 Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) Level-I Data is one of several aircraft data sets collected as part of the Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus Phase II: Entrainment Studies (DYCOMS-II) project. Included in the data set are CCN data from 10 National Science Foundation/National Center for Atmospheric Research C-130 research flights (mostly at night) and one test flight. The CCN data are available for the complete duration of all research flights where the altitude does not exceed 2000 m. The data cover the period from 7 - 28 July. 2.0 Data Contact Jefferson R. Snider (PI) Phone: (307) 766-2647 E-Mail: jsnider@uwyo.edu 3.0 Data and Format Information Complete information on this data set is available in pdf form at the following location: http://www.joss.ucar.edu/dycoms/archive/docs/snider_ccnreadme.pdf 3.1 CCN Spectra from file summary_of_c_k.txt Above Cloud # start end "C,cm-3" k "CN, cm-3" "PCASP, cm-3" 1 133610 140000 321 0.37 630 115 2 121821 125005 332 0.52 523 48 3 111221 114423 203 0.67 439 198 4 105908 112540 51 0.30 128 79 5 73645 80622 78 0.69 340 31 6 100652 102441 112 0.73 277 83 7 81533 83248 93 1.28 588 70 8 243422 244206 99 1.27 377 47 9 203133 213030 433 0.87 1080 366 10 233215 234059 680 0.76 1129 369 Below Cloud # start end "C,cm-3" k "CN, cm-3" "PCASP, cm-3" 1 93613 103051 161 0.31 274 93 2 95742 110223 61 0.21 290 189 3 92926 100006 298 0.79 472 187 4 94853 104955 207 0.34 290 77 5 92606 102421 211 0.31 417 136 6 133827 135225 177 0.53 389 183 7 95948 110150 139 0.45 281 140 8 232516 235431 133 0.41 245 138 9 253501 261139 286 0.34 558 327 10 NA NA Sea Surface # start end "C, cm-3" k "CN, cm-3" "PCASP, cm-3" 1 122816 133143 167 0.55 268 110 2 133008 140237 50 0.25 277 31 3 125606 140009 381 0.48 627 165 4 130448 134144 155 0.41 269 28 5 130331 134848 245 0.41 403 26 6 NA NA 7 130531 140920 116 0.49 195 111 8 NA NA 9 224711 231646 314 0.46 535 325 10 203528 213136 413 0.18 576 360 3.2 FORTRAN write statement for out files write (10, fmt='(i4,2(x,f7.0),2(x,f7.3), & 2(x,f7.3),x,i2,x,f7.2,x,f7.0, & 3(x,f7.1),x,f7.2,3(x,f7.0))') & iopen,daystart,cdon_time(k), & atoptmp(i),adtemp(i),peak_voltage,vdet_min, & itotsec(k),ss(k),ccnconc(k),apcasp(k), & ap1501(i),atrf(i),yplot1(k),acpc3acc(i), & arafcn1(i),afssp3_hig(i) 4.0 Quality Control Procedures UCAR/JOSS conducted no quality checks on these data. 5.0 File Naming Convention The file names are structured as follows: out_255_1_181rf01.dat Where rf01 signifies research flight #1 6.0 References None