TITLE: Aircraft C-130 Aerosol OC, functional group identification via FTIR, and elemental composition via XRF (L. Russell) AUTHOR(S): Lynn M. Russell and Steve F. Maria A-217 Engineering Quadrangle Princeton University, NJ 08544 Phone: LMR: (609) 258-1144, SFM: (609) 258-6670 Fax: (609) 258-0211 E-mail: lrussell@princeton.edu, smaria@princeton.edu 1.0 DATA SET OVERVIEW: This data set contains sampling times and locations as well as functional group (FTIR) and elemental (XRF) composition for bulk submicron Teflon filter samples collected aboard the NCAR C-130 aircraft near Japan during the ACE-Asia project in April-May 2001. 2.0 INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION: Samples were collected by pulling 180 lpm into the aircraft through a solid diffuser inlet, and then by concentrating the sample stream by a concentration factor of approximately 13 using three virtual impactors in series before pulling the final 2 lpm sample stream through Telfon filters. Filter samples were shipped frozen and stored frozen and then analyzed via spectroscopic methods. Samples were stored 1 week to 1 year before analysis and analyses were repeated to check for storage artifacts. 3.0 DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING: Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectra were collected for each filter prior to sample collection (pre-scan), and after sample collection (post-scan). The difference between the two scans gives the aerosol absorption signature, and peak integration then gives an estimate of the relative amounts of identifiable functional groups (ammonium, sulfate, silicate, carbonate, C-H, C=O, C-OH, C-N, and C-S). After FTIR spectra were collected, XRF was performed by Chester LabNet to quantify elemental composition for all elements heavier than (and including) Aluminum. As a final step, solvent rinsing was performed on each filter sample to determine the solubility properties of each identified functional group. 4.0 DATA FORMAT: The data file is a tab-delimited ASCII file. It can be easily opened by Excel using the "tab-delimited" option. DATA VERSION = 1.3 (12 February 2003) Parameters include: sample number, research flight number, sample collection start and stop times (multiple columns are for samples that were stopped and then restarted), sample length, sampled volume flow, sampled mass flow, sample average altitude, sample altitude standard deviation, sample latitudes and longitudes (starting position, ending position, and average position), and concentration and errors of silicate (SiO4), carbonate (CO3), OC, OM, Al, Si, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Mo, Ag, In, and Pb. 5.0 DATA REMARKS: The actual concentration factor for each sample has been corrected for ambient size distributions for 0.1-1.0 micron diameter using OPC data (contact S. Howell). This correction is subject to an uncertainty of +/- 7% for flights for which OPC data were available for correction. For research flight 9, OPC data are not yet available so the error in the concentration factor is +/- 10%. All FTIR data are reported using calibrated absorbance-to-mass ratios (Maria et al, 2002). The errors listed in the data set are species specific uncertainties in this conversion to mass (note that the individual errors listed for each species for each sample do NOT include the additional 7% to 10% error associated with the inlet and concentrator). XRF errors are reported by Chester LabNet. Elements for which there are less than 10 concentrations that are above the detection limit are not included in this release. OC mass is the sum of carbon quantified via the C-H, C=O, C-OH, C-N, C-S functional group absorbances. C-H carbon mass is calculated assuming on average 1 carbon atom for every 2 measured C-H bonds, while the carbon mass for other functional groups is calculated assuming on average 1 carbon atom for every measured bond. Individual functional group and solvent rinsing data are available upon request, but are not a part of this release. FTIR sulfate, ammonium, and nitrate are not being released at this time in order to assess possible interferences with those species. 6.0 REFERENCES: Blando, J.D.; Porcja, R.J.; Turpin, B.J. Aerosol Sci. Technol. 2001 35, 899-908. Maria, S.F.; Russell, L.M.; Turpin, B.J.; Porcja, R.J. Atmos. Environ. 2002 36, 5185-5196.