Model: NCAR CAM3 Time period: 2000-04 to 2006-11 Spatial coverage: global Format: netCDF Data Files: cam3019aeramipwamme2000: default version of cam3.0 (dust is prescribed, only shortwave) This is the data set NCAR CAM3 Default Version cam3019aeramipwammend2000: no dust interactions with climate. This is the data set: NCAR CAM3 No Dust Interaction Version cam3019aeramipwammewfb2000: dust has shortwave and longwave interactions with climate. This is the data set: NCAR CAM3 Dust Interaction Version The tar files with extension *daily contain daily output files. When extracted the daily output files have extension *h1*.nc The tar files with extension *monthly contain monthly output files. When extracted the monthly output files have extension *h0*.nc Contacts: Natalie Mahowald Cornell University Email: Phone: 607-255-5166 Andrea Sealy National for Center for Atmospheric Research Email: Phone: 303-497-1344