ABRFC Miscellaneous Precipitation https://data.eol.ucar.edu/dataset/1.86 Summary This dataset contains all the precipitation values collected by the Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center stations. Stations that reported at standard or incremental times are also included in the various GIST precipitation composite datasets. JOSS performed no quality control on this dataset. Please see the readme file for more details on this dataset. Identifiers * Local archive identifier: 1.86 * doi:10.26023/R0QF-Z8KQ-3T12 https://doi.org/10.26023/R0QF-Z8KQ-3T12 Versions 1.0 Citation Arkansas Basin River Forecast Center. 1998. ABRFC Miscellaneous Precipitation. Version 1.0. UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.26023/R0QF-Z8KQ-3T12 Accessed 18 Sep 2024. Additional citation styles can be generated by entering the DOI at CrossCite (https://citation.crosscite.org/). Acknowledgement In addition to the citation reference and any other acknowledgements, please acknowledge NCAR/EOL in your publications with text such as: Data provided by NCAR/EOL under the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation. https://data.eol.ucar.edu/ Related projects * VORTEX: Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment 94 https://data.eol.ucar.edu/project/VORTEX * GCIP/GIST: GCIP Integrated Systems Test https://data.eol.ucar.edu/project?GCIP%2FGIST Additional information * Spatial Type: point * Frequency: no set schedule * Language: English Categories * Surface Platforms * Weather Stations Instruments * Rain Gauges GCMD Science Keywords * EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > PRECIPITATION > PRECIPITATION AMOUNT Documentation * abrfcmsc.txt [9 KiB] https://data.eol.ucar.edu/file/download/32F329/abrfcmsc.txt Related links * homepage: GCIP EOL Homepage https://www.eol.ucar.edu/field_projects/gcip * homepage: Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center - National Weather Service http://www.weather.gov/abrfc/ * homepage: GCIP/GIST EOL Homepage https://www.eol.ucar.edu/field_projects/gcipgist * info: GCIP Data Plans and Reports https://www.eol.ucar.edu/content/gcip-data-plans-and-reports * homepage: EOL VORTEX 1994 website https://www.eol.ucar.edu/field_projects/vortex Temporal coverage * Begin datetime: 1994-04-01 00:00:00 * End datetime: 1994-08-31 23:59:59 Spatial coverage * Maximum (North) Latitude: 40.00 * Minimum (South) Latitude: 31.00 * Minimum (West) Longitude: -107.00 * Maximum (East) Longitude: -91.00 Primary contact information * pointOfContact: EOL Data Support https://data.eol.ucar.edu/contact/show/1 Additional contact information * author: Arkansas Basin River Forecast Center https://data.eol.ucar.edu/contact/show/2883 Alternate metadata formats * DataCite: https://data.eol.ucar.edu/dataset/1.86?format=datacite * ISO/TC 211: https://data.eol.ucar.edu/dataset/1.86?format=isotc211