NASA DC-8 CRDS Aerosol Extinction Measured using Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy Summary This data set contains NASA DC-8 CRDS Aerosol Extinction Measured using Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy data collected during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment (DC3) from 14 May 2012 through 22 June 2012. This data set is in ICARTT format. Please see the header portion of the data files for details on instruments, parameters, quality assurance, quality control, contact information, and data set comments. Use of these data require PRIOR OK from PI. Latest Update: We have identified a leak during this flight and have remove the data from the file (RF08). Final data. Data collected in clouds removed due to particle artifacts from inlets. Identifiers * Local archive identifier: 353.167 * doi:10.26023/54KA-TT7A-FT0S Versions 1.0 2.0: Latest Update: We have identified a leak during this flight and have remove the data from the file (RF08). Final data. Data collected in clouds removed due to particle artifacts from inlets. Citation Langridge, J., et al. 2015. DC3: NASA DC-8 CRDS Aerosol Extinction Measured using Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy. Version 2.0. UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory. Accessed 20 Sep 2024. Additional citation styles can be generated by entering the DOI at CrossCite ( Acknowledgement In addition to the citation reference and any other acknowledgements, please acknowledge NCAR/EOL in your publications with text such as: Data provided by NCAR/EOL under the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation. Related projects * DC3: Deep Convective Clouds & Chemistry Project Additional information * Spatial Type: point * Language: English Categories * Aircraft Platforms * NASA DC-8 Instruments * CRDS - Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy GCMD Science Keywords * EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > AEROSOLS > AEROSOL PARTICLE PROPERTIES * EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > AEROSOLS > AEROSOL EXTINCTION Documentation * DC8_Handbook-1.pdf [1100 KiB] Related links * homepage: DC3 Home Page * info: DC3 Data Policy * info: DC3 Missions * info: DC3 Missions Temporal coverage * Begin datetime: 2012-05-14 00:00:00 * End datetime: 2012-06-22 23:59:59 Spatial coverage * Maximum (North) Latitude: 42.06574 * Minimum (South) Latitude: 24.96023 * Minimum (West) Longitude: -106.76535 * Maximum (East) Longitude: -84.94339 Primary contact information * pointOfContact: EOL Data Support Additional contact information * author: Justin M. Langridge * author: Daniel A. Lack * author: Nicholas L. Wagner * author: Charles A. Brock * originator: Steven F. Williams Alternate metadata formats * DataCite: * ISO/TC 211: