KUEX Enhanced Bragg Scattering Layer Data https://data.eol.ucar.edu/dataset/485.130 Summary This data set contains the results of the Enhanced Bragg Scattering Layer (EBSL) analysis conducted on the National Weather Service WSR-88D located at Hastings, Nebraska (KUEX) during the Plains Elevated Convection at Night (PECAN) field campaign. The analysis provides estimates of the top and base altitudes of layers of enhanced Bragg scatter from individual Plan Position Indicator (PPI) scans. These data are in Matlab format. Identifiers * Local archive identifier: 485.130 * doi:10.5065/D6ZP44HD https://doi.org/10.5065/D6ZP44HD Versions 1.0 Citation Davison, J. 2017. KUEX Enhanced Bragg Scattering Layer Data. Version 1.0. UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.5065/D6ZP44HD Accessed 25 Sep 2024. Additional citation styles can be generated by entering the DOI at CrossCite (https://citation.crosscite.org/). Acknowledgement In addition to the citation reference and any other acknowledgements, please acknowledge NCAR/EOL in your publications with text such as: Data provided by NCAR/EOL under the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation. https://data.eol.ucar.edu/ Related projects * PECAN: Plains Elevated Convection at Night https://data.eol.ucar.edu/project/PECAN Additional information * Spatial Type: unknown * Frequency: criteria * Language: English Categories * Radar Platforms * Fixed Observation Stations Instruments * Doppler Radar * NEXt Generation RADar (NEXRAD) * Radar GCMD Science Keywords * EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR > WATER VAPOR INDICATORS > HUMIDITY * EARTH SCIENCE > SPECTRAL/ENGINEERING > RADAR > RADAR BACKSCATTER Documentation * ReadMe_EBSL_KUEX_PECAN_Davison.pdf [240 KiB] https://data.eol.ucar.edu/file/download/52D8C1329F786/ReadMe_EBSL_KUEX_PECAN_Davison.pdf * UsingBSLdiagrams.pdf [789 KiB] https://data.eol.ucar.edu/file/download/52D8C1329F7BC/UsingBSLdiagrams.pdf Related links * download: PECAN Field Catalog Radar Products http://catalog.eol.ucar.edu/pecan/radar * info: PECAN Missions https://catalog.eol.ucar.edu/pecan/tools/missions * info: PECAN Data Policy https://www.eol.ucar.edu/content/pecan-data-policy * homepage: PECAN Home Page https://www.eol.ucar.edu/field_projects/pecan Temporal coverage * Begin datetime: 2015-05-25 00:00:00 * End datetime: 2015-07-16 23:59:59 Spatial coverage * Maximum (North) Latitude: 42.60 * Minimum (South) Latitude: 38.20 * Minimum (West) Longitude: -101.20 * Maximum (East) Longitude: -95.70 Primary contact information * pointOfContact: EOL Data Support https://data.eol.ucar.edu/contact/show/1 Additional contact information * author: Jennifer L. Davison https://data.eol.ucar.edu/contact/show/2226 Alternate metadata formats * DataCite: https://data.eol.ucar.edu/dataset/485.130?format=datacite * ISO/TC 211: https://data.eol.ucar.edu/dataset/485.130?format=isotc211