FABLE 2000 NCAR/ATD ISS Surface Meteorology Data https://data.eol.ucar.edu/dataset/518.008 Summary This dataset contains surface meteorology data collected by the NCAR/ATD Integrated Sounding System (ISS) located at the WLEF-TV transmitter near Park Falls, Wisconsin during the Forest Atmosphere Boundary Layer Experiment (FABLE) in 2000. These data are available in daily netCDF files and have not been quality controlled. Identifiers * Local archive identifier: 518.008 * doi:10.5065/D65X27BX https://doi.org/10.5065/D65X27BX Versions 1.0 Citation UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory. 2017. FABLE 2000 NCAR/ATD ISS Surface Meteorology Data. Version 1.0. UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.5065/D65X27BX Accessed 24 Sep 2024. Additional citation styles can be generated by entering the DOI at CrossCite (https://citation.crosscite.org/). Acknowledgement In addition to the citation reference and any other acknowledgements, please acknowledge NCAR/EOL in your publications with text such as: Data provided by NCAR/EOL under the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation. https://data.eol.ucar.edu/ Related projects * FABLE: Forest Atmosphere Boundary Layer Experiment https://data.eol.ucar.edu/project/FABLE Additional information * Spatial Type: point * Frequency: daily * Language: English Categories * Surface Platforms * NCAR/EOL Integrated Sounding System - ISS * Weather Stations Instruments * Automated Weather System GCMD Science Keywords * EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE > SURFACE TEMPERATURE > DEW POINT TEMPERATURE * EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC WINDS > SURFACE WINDS * EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE > SURFACE PRESSURE * EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE > SURFACE TEMPERATURE Related links * info: Integrated Sounding System https://www.eol.ucar.edu/observing_facilities/iss * homepage: FABLE EOL Project Homepage https://www.eol.ucar.edu/field_projects/fable * info: ISS Data Overview https://www.eol.ucar.edu/content/data-overview Temporal coverage * Begin datetime: 2000-07-29 00:00:00 * End datetime: 2000-09-01 23:59:59 Spatial coverage * Maximum (North) Latitude: 45.95 * Minimum (South) Latitude: 45.95 * Minimum (West) Longitude: -90.15 * Maximum (East) Longitude: -90.15 Primary contact information * pointOfContact: EOL Data Support https://data.eol.ucar.edu/contact/show/1 Additional contact information * publisher: EOL Data Support https://data.eol.ucar.edu/contact/show/1 * author: EOL Data Support https://data.eol.ucar.edu/contact/show/1 * resourceProvider: William Brown https://data.eol.ucar.edu/contact/show/597 Alternate metadata formats * DataCite: https://data.eol.ucar.edu/dataset/518.008?format=datacite * ISO/TC 211: https://data.eol.ucar.edu/dataset/518.008?format=isotc211