PACS Mexican Daily Precipitation Unified CPC-JOSS dataset

     1.0  General Description

          The PACS Daily Precipitation Unified CPC-JOSS Dataset is composed of
     data from both the CPC and JOSS Mexican Precipitation datasets. Data for 
     both the CPC and JOSS datasets were kindly provided by Art Douglas 
     (Creighton Univ.) Data from these sources were NOT quality controlled. 
     This dataset contains data from across Mexico for 1989 thru 1999.

     2.0  Detailed Data Description

          Detailed information is not available for the Unified CPC-JOSS
     Mexican Precipitation data.
A GIF Image of locations of Mexican Precip stations in the 1989-1999 combined dataset and a GIF Image of the number of Mexican Precip reports in 1989-1999 combined dataset are available on the codiac web site.

     2.1  Detailed Format Description

          The Unified Daily Precipitation Composite contains five metadata 
     parameters and one data parameters. The metadata parameters describe the 
     station location and time at which the data were collected. The data
     parameter occurs once for each day in the monthly record. Each record
     reports the actual number of days in the month, so record lengths vary by
     month. The table below details each parameter.

     Parameters               Units
     ----------------------   -------------------------------------
     Station Identifier       Abbreviation of station name
     Latitude                 Decimal degrees, South is negative
     Longitude                Decimal degrees, West is negative
     Month of Observation     UTC 
     Year of Observation      UTC 
     Daily Precip Value       millimeters 

     2.2  Data Remarks
          Missing values are represented by -999.99.  The station identifier 
     given in the data is an abbreviation of the long station names given in 
     the raw data, and was generated by CPC or UCAR/JOSS.
     3.0  Quality Control Processing
          These data were not quality controlled by UCAR/JOSS.
     4.0  References