Title: Falcon H20 DIAL Data [DLR] CONTACTS: Dr. Gerhard Ehret (PI) DLR Oberpfaffenhofen Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere / Lidar Muenchnerstr. 20 82234 Wessling Voice: +49 8153 28 2509 Email: gerhard.ehret@dlr.de Christoph Kiemle (Co-I) DLR Oberpfaffenhofen Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere / Lidar Muenchnerstr. 20 82234 Wessling Voice: +49 8153 28 2525 Email: christoph.kiemle@dlr.de Dr. Gorazd Poberaj (Co-I) DLR Oberpfaffenhofen Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere / Lidar Muenchnerstr. 20 82234 Wessling Voice: +49 8153 28 1817 Email: gorazd.poberaj@dlr.de 1.0 DATA SET OVERVIEW DLR's Water Vapor DIAL system aboard the Falcon 20 was operated during the International H2O Project (IHOP_2002) field experiment from May 17 through June 15, 2002. 2.0 INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Instrumentation An airborne DLR Water Vapor Differential Absorption Lidar (H2O-DIAL) was developed for high resolution measurements of humidity and aerosols in the troposphere and lower stratosphere. The system was designed to operate on the German meteorological aircraft Falcon 20. Its transmitter is based on an injection-seeded KTP optical parametric oscillator (OPO) pumped by the second harmonic of a Q-switched, diode pumped single-mode Nd:YAG laser at a repetition rate of 100 Hz. The OPO is optimized for operation in the spectral region between 920-950 nm with an average output power of 1.2-1.8 W and a spectral purity higher than 99%. The system is also designed to perform simultaneous polarization-sensitive backscatter measurements at 532 nm and 1064 nm for aerosol detection. A detailed system description and assessment of its accuracy for measuring lower water vapor contents in the tropopause region can be found in [1]. The H2O-DIAL aboard the Falcon could be positioned to look either downward or upward. Its broad tunability in the spectral region around 935 nm enables to reach a variety of water vapor lines with different line-strengths ranging over three orders of magnitude. In the past, the system was deployed mainly to measure low water vapor contents in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere [e.g. 2,3]. During IHOP 2002 campaign the system was deployed for the first time to measure water vapor in the atmospheric boundary layer. For these measurements we selected a water vapor absorption line at 926.87403 nm (10788.95078 cm-1), which has a line strength of 3.96E-24 cm, linewidth of 0.079 cm-1, and lower energy state of 1282.9191 cm-1 (data from HITRAN 2001). Water vapor number density fields below flight tracks are calculated using a DIAL equation with an effective differential absorption cross section. This takes into account the spectral modification of the on- and off-line DIAL signals due to absorption by water vapor and due to Doppler-broadened Rayleigh backscattering. A slight temperature sensitivity of the absorption line strength was corrected using atmospheric temperature profiles obtained by the dropsondes, whenever possible. Atmospheric temperature and pressure profiles obtained by dropsondes are used also for calculation of water vapor mixing ratio fields. In addition, simultaneous atmospheric backscatter measurements were performed at 926 nm (off-line) and 1064 nm (s and p-polarization). Measurements at 532 nm were not possible due to eye-safety requirements. 3.0 DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING DLR H2O-DIAL was operated aboard the German research aircraft Falcon 20 in the nadir looking mode. From a total of 21 flight missions (75 hours), 52 hours of lidar data were collected in the IHOP region: BL Heterogeneity: 11 flights for a total of 26 h 4 min BL Evolution: 2 flights for a total of 5 h 24 min Convective Initiation: 4 flights for a total of 12 h 36 min Low-level-jet: 4 flights for a total of 7 h 39 min. 3.1 Quality of data a. Water vapor mixing ratio: High quality data (9 flights): - BL Heterogeneity: 17, 21, 28 and 29 May - BL Evolution: 14 June (1st flight) - Convective Initiation: 24 May, 2 and 15 June - Low-level-jet 9 June Data of moderate quality (4 flights): - BL Heterogeneity: 20 and 25 May - BL Evolution: 14 June (2nd flight) - Low-level-jet 3 June (1st flight) b. Atmospheric Backscatter: All backscatter data at 926nm and 1064 nm are of high quality. 3.2 Data Resolution: a. Water vapor mixing ratio measurements: - horizontal resolution is 0.5s to 2s or ~75m to 300m, typically - vertical resolution is 150m to 300m, typically b. Atmsopheric backscatter at 1064nm: - horizontal resolution is 0.5s or ~75m - vertical resolution is 15m Actual information on the measurement resolution and data grid distance for a specific data set is included in the corresponding file header. 4.0 DATA FORMAT AND FILE NAMING 4.1 Data format Evaluated water vapor and aerosol measurements are stored in the ASCII format. Each text file begins with a header including aircraft and lidar specific data, plus data processing information like spatial range and resolution. The header is followed by a series of data blocks corresponding to vertical profiles from a two dimensional data field. The top and bottom height of the data profiles correspond to altitudes above the sea level. The flight altitude of the Falcon, which was used as a reference, was determined using the GPS. Each profile is preceded by a line indicating the profile number, UTC time in seconds, latitude, longitude, and also UTC time in the hh:mm:ss format. Missing or bad data are marked by "-9999.". They can be caused by optically thick clouds leading to strong absorption of the backscatter signal, or detector saturation due to strong backscatter, but also due to unstable instrument operation. The accompanying IDL program "Read_DIAL.pro" (attached to the data files) will read formatted H2O-DIAL water vapor and aerosol profile data. 4.2 File Naming Conventions Data Files a. H2O_YYMMDD_Leg#.txt Water vapor mixing ratio, YY=year, MM=month, DD=day, Leg No. b. ABS_YYMMDD_Leg#.txt Atmospheric BackScatter at 1064nm, YY=year, MM=month, DD=day, Leg No. BSR_YYMMDD_Leg#.gif BackScatter Ratio at 1064nm, YY=year, MM=month, DD=day, Leg No. (backscatter ratio is here defined as a ratio between a total backscatter and Rayleigh backscatter) 5.0 DATA REMARKS DLR H2O-DIAL IHOP_2002 data set release history a. "Quick-look", preliminary data Preliminary data were produced and distributed into the JOSS Catalog during the IHOP_2002 field experiment during May - June 2002. These data include only images and can be used for "quick-look" purposes. Atmospheric backscatter ratio data (total backscatter to Rayleigh backscatter) were evaluated mostly for the wavelength at 926 nm (DIAL off-line). In many cases normalization of the total backscatter to Rayleigh bacskactter could not be performed accurately due to low flight levels and presence of clouds. Also the aerosol extinction was not taken into account. b. Final processed data Final data processing is in progress. The final data sets include images as well as text files with water vapor mixing ratio profiles and atmospheric backscatter profiles at 1064 nm. 6.0 REFERENCES [1] G. Poberaj, A. Fix, A. Assion, M. Wirth, C. Kiemle, G. Ehret: "Airborne all-solid-state DIAL for water vapour measurements in the tropopause region: system description and assessment of accuracy", Appl. Phys. B 75, 165-172 (2002) [2] G. Ehret, K. P. Hoinka, J. Stein, A. Fix, C. Kiemle, and G. Poberaj: "Low stratospheric water vapor measured by an airborne DIAL", J. Geophys. Res., 104, D24, 31,351-31,359 (1999) [3] K.P. Hoinka, E. Richard, G. Poberaj, R. Busen, J.-L. Caccia, A. Fix, H. Mannstein: "Analysis of a potential vorticity streamer crossing the Alps during MAP IOP-15 on 6 November 1999", Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., Vol. 129, 609-632 (2003)