Trajectories for the Discoverer Seattle-Hobart transit The 00Z and 12Z daily 9-day backtrajectories are designed to aid in the analysis of data from the Discoverer Seattle-Hobart transit (of 13 Oct 1995 through 10 Nov 1995). The backtrajectories were calculated with the NOAA HYSPLIT 3.2 code using the NMC Global Data Assimilation System Medium Range Forecast model (MRF). All trajectories originate at eht ship and have a source altitude of 100m and averaging period of 24h. The data from each trajectoriy are contained in three files. One ("mmddhh.gif")is a simple gif image file showing the horizontal and vertical backtrajectories. The "00" marker on the horizontal plot represents the air parcel position at 00Z. The gif files for the entire transit are listed separately and in the file "". Two additional ASCII files ("mmddhh.cfg" and "mmddhh.asc") exist for each trajectory. The files contain the latitude, longitude and pressure points used to construct the gif files. There are also several other HYSPLIT parameters in these files that may be of benefit to those familiar with the HYSPLIT program. Examples: The origin position at 00Z Nov10 could be found in the last line of the file "111000.cfg" : ..\GRAPHIC\ 33 28 6 11 10 0 381.0000 -60.0000 32.0000 17.0000 80.0000 3 10.0 -162.6 49.0 -32.1 7.6 -43.02 -147.42 -100. lat lon All other backtrajectory data could be found in the file "111000.asc": 95110900-38.31-134.27 2349 451 990 11 24 0 1 .100000E+01 95110800-35.61-129.60 2408 306 1001 10 48 0 1 .100000E+01 95110700-34.25-134.13 2274 334 984 11 72 0 1 .100000E+01 95110600-36.79-137.25 2254 456 984 11 96 0 1 .100000E+01 95110500-42.06-146.90 2187 752 973 12 120 0 1 .100000E+01 95110400-46.99-149.72 2262 905 962 13 144 0 1 .100000E+01 95110300-51.60-143.36 2454 910 943 14 168 0 1 .100000E+01 95110200-52.69-131.41 2651 801 955 13 192 0 1 .100000E+01 95110100-48.94-116.20 2874 578 959 13 216 0 1 .100000E+01 yymmddhh lat lon - - press - - - - - If you have any questions about these files, please contact Vladimir Kapustin at