Measurements: | sgp5ebbrE4.b1: - standard deviation of wind direction (sigma theta)(sigma_wd)
- bottom air temperature(tair_bot)
- Resultant wind speed(res_ws)
- scalar wind speed(wind_s)
- temperature of the top humidity sensor chamber(thum_top)
- pressure at constant pressure surface(pres)
- top relative humidity(hum_top)
- temperature of the bottom humidity sensor chamber(thum_bot)
- Reference Thermistor Temperature(tref)
- bottom relative humidity(hum_bot)
- specific humidity(q)
- bottom vapor pressure(vp_bot)
- top vapor pressure(vp_top)
- top air temperature(tair_top)
- wind direction (relative to true north)(wind_d)
- Home signal(home)
sgp30ebbrE4.b1: - Soil heat capacity 3(cs3)
- 5 cm soil heat flow corrected for soil moisture content, site 1(c_shf1)
- bottom relative humidity(hum_bot)
- Soil heat capacity 2(cs2)
- Soil heat capacity 5(cs5)
- latent heat flux(e)
- 0-5 cm change in soil heat storage with time, site 2(ces2)
- pressure at constant pressure surface(pres)
- specific humidity(q)
- standard deviation of wind direction (sigma theta)(sigma_wd)
- Exchange mechanism position indicator (0 to 15 min)(home_15)
- Soil moisture 1 (mass water/mass dry soil)(sm1)
- Soil heat capacity 4(cs4)
- Soil moisture 4 (mass water/mass dry soil)(sm4)
- ratio of sensible/latent heat fluxes (Bowen ratio)(bowen)
- 5 cm soil heat flow corrected for soil moisture content, site 3(c_shf3)
- Soil moisture 3 (mass water/mass dry soil)(sm3)
- Soil moisture 2 (mass water/mass dry soil)(sm2)
- bottom vapor pressure(vp_bot)
- Resultant wind speed(res_ws)
- temperature of the bottom humidity sensor chamber(thum_bot)
- 0-5 cm integrated soil temperature, site 4(ts4)
- Soil moisture 5 (mass water/mass dry soil)(sm5)
- Exchange mechanism position indicator (15 to 30 min)(home_30)
- 0-5 cm integrated soil temperature, site 2(ts1)
- Soil heat capacity 1(cs1)
- soil heat flow at the surface 1(g1)
- 5 cm soil heat flow corrected for soil moisture content, site 4(c_shf4)
- 0-5 cm integrated soil temperature, site 2(ts2)
- wind direction (relative to true north)(wind_d)
- temperature of the top humidity sensor chamber(thum_top)
- soil heat flow at the surface 5(g5)
- 5 cm soil heat flow, site 2(shf2)
- top vapor pressure(vp_top)
- average surface soil heat flow at the surface(ave_shf)
- 0-5 cm integrated soil temperature, site 5(ts5)
- scalar wind speed(wind_s)
- 5 cm soil heat flow corrected for soil moisture content, site 5(c_shf5)
- 0-5 cm integrated soil temperature, site 3(ts3)
- 5 cm soil heat flow, site 1(shf1)
- 5 cm soil heat flow corrected for soil moisture content, site 2(c_shf2)
- bottom air temperature(tair_bot)
- soil heat flow at the surface 4(g4)
- top relative humidity(hum_top)
- 5 cm soil heat flow, site 5(shf5)
- Reference Thermistor Temperature(tref)
- 0-5 cm change in soil heat storage with time, site 5(ces5)
- 0-5 cm change in soil heat storage with time, site 4(ces4)
- 5 cm soil heat flow, site 3(shf3)
- 0-5 cm change in soil heat storage with time, site 3(ces3)
- 5 cm soil heat flow, site 4(shf4)
- soil heat flow at the surface 3(g3)
- corrected sensible heat flux(h)
- top air temperature(tair_top)
- soil heat flow at the surface 2(g2)
- 0-5 cm change in soil heat storage with time, site 2(ces1)
sgp15ebbrE4.b1: - Home signal(mv_home)
- Soil heat flow 3(mv_hft3)
- Wind direction (relative to true north)(mv_wind_d)
- Right air temperature(tair_r)
- Left air temperature(tair_l)
- Soil heat flow 2(mv_hft2)
- scalar wind speed(wind_s)
- Right relative humidity(mv_hum_r)
- Soil temperature 5(rr_ts5)
- Net radiation(mv_q)
- Soil temperature 2(rr_ts2)
- Reference temperature(rr_tref)
- Temperature of left humidity sensor chamber(rr_thum_l)
- Temperature of right humidity sensor chamber(rr_thum_r)
- Soil temperature 3(rr_ts3)
- Soil temperature 1(rr_ts1)
- Soil moisture 4(r_sm4)
- Soil moisture 1(r_sm1)
- Soil temperature 4(rr_ts4)
- Soil moisture 3(r_sm3)
- Soil moisture 2(r_sm2)
- Soil heat flow 1(mv_hft1)
- Soil heat flow 5(mv_hft5)
- Left relative humidity(mv_hum_l)
- Atmospheric pressure(mv_pres)
- Soil moisture 5(r_sm5)
- Soil heat flow 4(mv_hft4)