Richard L. Coulter - ER 203
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439

Voice: 630 252-5833
Fax: 630 252-5498
Email: rl_coulter@anl.gov


This data set contains 30-minute resolution energy balance bowen ratio
data from the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiments (ABLE) operated
by the Argonne National Laboratory in the Walnut River Watershed in
Butler County Kansas (east of Wichita).  The ABLE EBBR was located at
the Whitewater, KS site during the BAMEX period.  Data cover the
period from 20 May to 7 July 2003. The data are in columnar ASCII


2.1  Instrumentation

No Information.

2.2  Station Locations

                         UTM km (Zone 14)
Site                     99 deg Meridan       DEG     dddmmmsss  ddmm.mm   Alt (m)
Whitewater, KS           4189.5 UTMN km       37.841  37 50' 26" 37 51.43'  416
                          659.6 UTME km       97.186  97 11' 10" 97 11.16'

For file names the station IDs are as follows:

Whitewater wh

Topo maps and aerial photos are available at:


UCAR/JOSS conducted no processing or quality control on these data.


4.1  Data Format

These data are in columnar ASCII  format.

Sensors associated with new Whitewater EBBR installed May 1999.

Note that only the "30 minute" data (see below) are archived in the ABLE
ASCII archive area at this time.  Raw data files are however available
for parsing out the 5 or 15 minute data if desired.

EBBR Sensor Outputs
5 minute:

Tref        temperature in NEMA enclosure in degrees C
Tairtop     thermocouple temp., top level, in degrees C
Tairbot     thermocouple temp., bottom level, in degrees C
Thumtop     humidity probe temp., top level, in degrees C
Thumbot     humidity probe temp., bottom level, in degrees C
Humtop      relative humidity, top level, fraction.
Humbot      relative humidity, bottom level, fraction.
Vptop       vapor pressure, top level, in kPa
Vpbot       vapor pressure, bottom level, in kPa
Q           net radiation in W m-2
Press       atmospheric pressure in kPa
WS          wind speed in m s-1
U           vector wind speed in m s-1
Dir         wind direction in degrees
Sigma Dir   standard deviation of wind direction in degrees
Home        AEM output showing current position, in mv

15 minute:

RThumR      resistance ratio of right humidity probe PRTD, unitless
RThumL      resistance ratio of left humidity probe PRTD, unitless
RTS1        0-5 cm integrated soil temperature, unitless ratio
RTS2        0-5 cm integrated soil temperature, unitless ratio
RTS3        0-5 cm integrated soil temperature, unitless ratio
RTS4        0-5 cm integrated soil temperature, unitless ratio
RTS5        0-5 cm integrated soil temperature, unitless ratio
RTref       resistance ratio of NEMA enclosure PRTD, unitless
mvHumR      right humidity probe output in mv
mvHumL      left humidity probe output in mv
mvPress     output of atmospheric pressure sensor in mv
mvDir       output of wind vane in mv
mvHome      AEM output showing position at end of period, in mv
RSMP1       0-5 cm integrated soil moisture, unitless ratio
RSMP2       0-5 cm integrated soil moisture, unitless ratio
RSMP3       0-5 cm integrated soil moisture, unitless ratio
RSMP4       0-5 cm integrated soil moisture, unitless ratio
RSMP5       0-5 cm integrated soil moisture, unitless ratio
mvQ         net radiometer output in mv
mvHFT1      5 cm soil heat flow in millivolts
mvHFT2      5 cm soil heat flow in millivolts
mvHFT3      5 cm soil heat flow in millivolts
mvHFT4      5 cm soil heat flow in millivolts
mvHFT5      5 cm soil heat flow in millivolts
TairR       right thermocouple temp. in degrees C
TairL       left thermocouple temp. in degrees C
WS          wind speed in m s-1
Batt        battery voltage in volts
Signature   signature of CR10X program

30 minute:

Tref        temperature in NEMA enclosure in degrees C
Tairtop     thermocouple temp., top level, in degrees C
Tairbot     thermocouple temp., bottom level, in degrees C
Thumtop     humidity probe temp., top level, in degrees C
Thumbot     humidity probe temp., bottom level, in degrees C
Humtop      relative humidity, top level, in fraction.
Humbot      relative humidity, bottom level, in fraction.
Vptop       vapor pressure, top level, in kPa
Vpbot       vapor pressure, bottom level, in kPa
Q           net radiation in W m-2
Press       atmospheric pressure in kPa
SM1         volumetric soil moisture in %
SM2         volumetric soil moisture in %
SM3         volumetric soil moisture in %
SM4         volumetric soil moisture in %
SM5         volumetric soil moisture in %
TS1         0-5 cm integrated soil temperature in degrees C
TS2         0-5 cm integrated soil temperature in degrees C
TS3         0-5 cm integrated soil temperature in degrees C
TS4         0-5 cm integrated soil temperature in degrees C
TS5         0-5 cm integrated soil temperature in degrees C
SHF1        5 cm soil heat flow in W m-2
SHF2        5 cm soil heat flow in W m-2
SHF3        5 cm soil heat flow in W m-2
SHF4        5 cm soil heat flow in W m-2
SHF5        5 cm soil heat flow in W m-2
CSHF1       5 cm soil heat flow corrected for soil moisture content in  W m-2
CSHF2       5 cm soil heat flow corrected for soil moisture content in  W m-2
CSHF3       5 cm soil heat flow corrected for soil moisture content in  W m-2
CSHF4       5 cm soil heat flow corrected for soil moisture content in  W m-2
CSHF5       5 cm soil heat flow corrected for soil moisture content in  W m-2
CS1         specific heat of the soil in J kg-1 oK-1
CS2         specific heat of the soil in J kg-1 oK-1
CS3         specific heat of the soil in J kg-1 oK-1
CS4         specific heat of the soil in J kg-1 oK-1
CS5         specific heat of the soil in J kg-1 oK-1
CES1        0-5 cm change in soil heat storage with time in W m-2
CES2        0-5 cm change in soil heat storage with time in W m-2
CES3        0-5 cm change in soil heat storage with time in W m-2
CES4        0-5 cm change in soil heat storage with time in W m-2
CES5        0-5 cm change in soil heat storage with time in W m-2
G1          soil heat flow in W m-2
G2          soil heat flow in W m-2
G3          soil heat flow in W m-2
G4          soil heat flow in W m-2
G5          soil heat flow in W m-2
G           average surface soil heat flow in W m-2
Bowen       ratio of sensible/latent heat fluxes, unitless
E           latent heat flux in W m-2
H           sensible heat flux in W m-2
WS          wind speed in m s-1
U           vector wind speed in m s-1
Dir         wind direction in degrees
Sigma Dir   standard deviation of wind direction in degrees
Home0-15    AEM output showing position during first 15 minute period, in mv
Home15-30   AEM output showing position during second 15 minute period, in mv

For more sensor information contact David Cook drcook@anl.gov
For more dataflow information contact Timothy Martin tjmartin@anl.gov

4.2  File Naming conventions

        wh is the station ID (here Whitewater).
        03 is the year (2003)
        06 is the month (June)
        07 is the day of month




ABLE Home Page: gonzalo.er.anl.gov/ABLE/index.html