TITLE: Lidar ARM Raman Aerosol Scattering Ratio Data [ARM] CONTACTS: Tim Tooman Sandia National Laboratories P.O. Box 969, MS 9056 Livermore, CA 94551-0969 (510)294-2752, fax: (510)294-1559 tooman@sandia.gov 1.0 DATA SET OVERVIEW This data set contains 10 minute resolution aerosol scattering ratio from the Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Southern Great Plains (SGP) Raman Lidar (RL). The RL is located at the ARM Central Facility near Lamont, Oklahoma. This data set covers the period from 20 May to 07 July 2003. The data are in netCDF format. 2.0 INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Instrumentation Full information on the ARM RL instrumentation is available from ARM at: http://www.arm.gov/instruments/static/rl.stm 2.2 Station Locations Site Elevation (m) Lat. Long. Central Facility 311 36.609N 97.487W 3.0 DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING Full information on the ARM RL data collection and processing is available from ARM at: http://www.arm.gov/instruments/static/rl.stm General information on ARM data quality is available from ARM at: http://dq.arm.gov/cgi-bin/dqmenu.pl UCAR/JOSS conducted no processing or quality control on these data. 4.0 DATA FORMAT 4.1 Data Format These data are in network Common Data Form (netCDF) format. For information on netCDF see: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf/ 4.2 File Naming Conventions sgp10rlprofasr1ferrC1.c1.20030622.000000.cdf where: sgp10rlprofasr1ferr is the data type (10 minute RL ASR) C1 represents the facility id (here ARM SGP central facility) c1 represents the data level 2003 - four digit year 06 - two digit month 22 - two digit day 00 - two digit hour 00 - two digit minute 00 - two digit second cdf - netCDF format extention For futher information on the RL ASR data set see: http://engineering.arm.gov/process/vap/docs/rlprof/webpage.rlprof_asr.html http://engineering.arm.gov/process/vap/docs/rlprof/ 5.0 DATA REMARKS None. 6.0 REFERNCES None.