Subject: | SGP/SIRS/E9 - Sensor cable failure |
DataStreams: | sgpsirsE9.00, sgpsirsE9.b1, sgpsirs20sE9.a0
Description: | The short_direct_normal measurements from the normal incident pyrheliometer (NIP)
instrument were missing beginning 6/13/2005 2115GMT. On 6/20/2005 technicians found the NIP
instrument cable broken, replaced it, and returned the instrument to service at 2200GMT. |
Measurements: | sgpsirs20sE9.a0: - Instantaneous Direct Normal Shortwave Irradiance, Pyrheliometer Thermopile
sgpsirsE9.b1: - Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrheliometer, Minima(short_direct_normal_min)
- Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrheliometer(short_direct_normal)
- Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrheliometer, Maxima(short_direct_normal_max)
- Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrheliometer, Standard Deviation(short_direct_normal_std)
sgpsirsE9.00: - Raw data stream - documentation not supported(Raw data stream - documentation not supported)
Subject: | SGP/SIRS/E4 - Dirt on Dome |
DataStreams: | sgpsirsE4.00, sgpsirsE4.b1, sgpsirs20sE4.a0
Description: | The downwelling shortwave hemispheric radiation data are suspect. The PSP dome appears to
have been very dirty, especially during times when the sun angles were low. |
Measurements: | sgpsirsE4.00: - Raw data stream - documentation not supported(Raw data stream - documentation not supported)
sgpsirsE4.b1: - Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyrgeometer, Minima(down_short_hemisp_min)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyrgeometer(down_short_hemisp)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyrgeometer, Maxima(down_short_hemisp_max)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyrgeometer, Standard
sgpsirs20sE4.a0: - Instantaneous Downwelling Hemispheric Shortwave, Unshaded Pyranometer Thermopile
Subject: | SGP/SIRS/E8 - Downwelling Shortwave hemispheric (PSP) Dome Contamination |
DataStreams: | sgpsirsE8.00, sgpsirsE8.b1, sgpsirs20sE8.a0
Description: | The downelling shortwave hemispheric instrument (Eppley PSP) dome at this site had dirt or
a smudge on it. This was most noticeable during mid to late afternoon hours (around
2100 GMT). PM cleaned the dome on 8/9/05 1940, correcting the problem. |
Measurements: | sgpsirsE8.00: - Raw data stream - documentation not supported(Raw data stream - documentation not supported)
sgpsirs20sE8.a0: - Instantaneous Downwelling Hemispheric Shortwave, Unshaded Pyranometer Thermopile
sgpsirsE8.b1: - Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyrgeometer, Maxima(down_short_hemisp_max)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyrgeometer, Minima(down_short_hemisp_min)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyrgeometer(down_short_hemisp)
- Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Ventilated Pyrgeometer, Standard