TITLE: NOAA Cooperative Agency Profiler (CAP) Network Data [NCAR/EOL] CONTACTS: Mike Barth NOAA/ESRL/GSD email: Michael.F.Barth@noaa.gov 1.0 DATA SET OVERVIEW This data set contains 30-minute or hourly profiles of wind speed, wind direction and virtual temperature from profilers around the world (including several in California). These are typically 915 MHz boundary layer profilers some also include Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS). The data were acquired from NOAA/ESRL/GSD and include data from a number of agencies. The data are in netCDF. 2.0 INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Instrumentation information Information on the instrumentation is available at the CAP web site: http://www.madis-fsl.org/cap/ 2.2 Station Locations The station locations are included in the file netCDF data files. The stations in California and Nevada include ID NAME Elev Lat Lon Type RASS SFC Res Org BBBCA BODEGA BAY CA 12 38.32 -123.07 449 MHz 60 NOAA/ETL BBYCA BODEGA BAY CA 12 38.32 -123.07 915 MHz RASS SFC 60 NOAA/ETL CXECA CALEXICO CA 0 32.70 -115.40 915 MHz 30 CARB CCLCA CHOWCHILLA CA 76 37.11 -120.24 915 MHz RASS SFC 60 NOAA/ETL CCOCA CHICO CA 41 39.69 -121.91 915 MHz RASS SFC 60 NOAA/ETL GLBCA GOLETA CA 3 34.43 -119.85 449 MHz RASS 60 NOAA/ETL LAXCA LOS ANGELES CA 47 33.94 -118.44 915 MHz RASS 60 SCQ LHSCA LOST HILLS CA 80 35.62 -119.69 915 MHz RASS SFC 60 NOAA/ETL MMRCA MIRAMAR CA 126 32.90 -117.10 915 MHz RASS 60 SDAPCD MOVCA MORENO VALLEY CA 452 33.87 -117.22 915 MHz RASS 60 SCQ NPSCA MONTEREY CA 51 36.69 -121.76 915 MHz RASS 30 NPS-DM ONTCA ONTARIO CA 280 34.06 -117.58 915 MHz RASS 60 SCQ PPBCA PT. PIEDRAS BLANCAS CA 11 35.66 -121.29 915 MHz RASS 60 NOAA/ETL PTLCA POINT LOMA CA 23 32.70 -117.25 915 MHz RASS 60 SDAPCD SACCA SACRAMENTO CA 6 38.20 -121.30 915 MHz RASS 60 SMAQMD SIMCA SIMI VALLEY CA 283 34.30 -118.80 915 MHz RASS 15 VCAPCD VISCA VISALIA CA 81 36.31 -119.39 915 MHz RASS 60 SJV-APCD where: CARB is CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD SCQ is SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SDAPCD is SAN DIEGO AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT NPS-DM is DEPARTMENT OF METEOROLOGY, NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL SMAQMD is SACRAMENTO METROPOLITAN AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SJV-APCD is SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT VCAPCD is VENTURA COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT NOAA/ETL is NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory now the Earth Systems Research Laboratory (ESRL) Physical Sciences Division (PSD) Stations with SFC include surface meteorological observations. 3.0 DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING NCAR/EOL conducted no processing or quality control on these data. Information on CAP processing and quality control is available at their web site. 4.0 DATA FORMAT AND FILE NAMING 4.1 File Naming conventions Files have names like: 20060430_1300 where: 2006 is the year 04 is the month 30 is the day of month 1300 is the UTC time of observation There is on file every 30 minutes that includes data for all stations with data at that time. 4.2 Data Format These data are netCDF. For information on the netCDF format visit the netCDF page at UCAR/Unidata: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/ 5.0 DATA REMARKS 6.0 REFERENCES None.