TITLE: Readme File- HLY0601masterstn_UCAR_v1.xls
P.I.(S): Jackie M. Grebmeier/Lee W. Cooper
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
tel: +1 410-42307334 (JG), +1-410-326-7359 (LC)
fax: +1 410-326-7302
website: http://arctic.cbl.umces.edu
Climate-driven changes in impacts of benthic predators in the
northern Bering Sea
submitted as retrospective portion of project titled “BEST:
Benthic Ecosystem Response to Changing Ice Cover in the Bering Sea”
This dataset contains measurements at each station of benthic parameters,
including bottom water parameters (e.g., temperature, salinity),
benthic chlorophyll-a values (bottom water chlorophyll-a, integrated
water column chlorophyll-a, sediment chlorophyll-a), benthic faunal
parameters (abundance, biomass (g/m2), biomass (gC/m2), number of
taxa), sediment grain size values, TOC, TON, C/N, and sediment
oxygen uptake rates. Samples included in this dataset were collected
from May 9-June 3, 2006 from the United States Coast Guard
Icebreaker Healy (WAGB-20). Samples collected on the Healy were
funded through the National Science Foundation..-
All water samples were
collected using a rosette bottle system on a CTD.
van Veen grab (0.1 m2
sediment grab), weighted with 32 kg of lead was used in the
collection of surface sediment samples and fauna. A multi (4 barrel)
Haps corer (each core = 0.0133 m2)
was used to collect sediment cores, which were used for sediment
metabolism (respiration) measurements. For more information on the
HAPS core, see: Kanneworff, E. & Nicolaisen, W. The "HAPS:"
A frame supported bottom corer. Ophelia Supplement 10, 119-129
van Veen grabs were collected at each station. The first grab was
used for collection of sediment samples. Surface samples (1cm) for
analysis of sediment chlorophyll-a concentrations were taken w/ a
syringe. A spoon was used to collect surface sediment for grain
size, TOC, TON, C/N data. The four subsequent successful grabs were
sieved on a 1mm screen and infauna were preserved in 10% buffered
grain size was determined in the laboratory after removal of
organics and of iron oxides following the process of Gee and Bauder
(1986). Sediment samples were acidified and provided to CBL’s
Nutrient Analytical Service’s Lab (NASL) for determination of
TOC and TON. Procedures and techniques used by NASL are available at
Infauna were sorted, counted, and weighed (wet weight) to the family
level. The biomass is calculated from published carbon conversion
values (Stoker 1998, Grebmeier et al. 1989).
Data File Structure:
File Names (Formats):
HLY0601_masterstn.xls [and HLY0601bensum.xls will have a separate
README file when sent in].
Files will try to adhere
to this convention, but sometimes cruises from the same year will be
combined for convenience, and the name will reflect the year and the
variables included.
- Data Parameters:
- Cruise-Ship, Year,
Cruise # =HLY0601 (HLY: "Healy", USCG Icebreaker WAGB-20;
06: year, 2006; 01: cruise number for the ship for that year
Station# - sequentially
numbered from beginning to end of cruise
Station Name - based on
transect names, the lower the number the lower the depth
NWC=Northwest Cape, SWC=Southwest Cape, SIL=St. Lawerence Island,
SEC=Southeast Cape, NEC=Northeast Cape
Date arrived- mm/dd/yyyy
Lat., Long., -
Bottom Depth - bottom
depth in meters
Cast# - CTD cast from
which samples were taken, matches JOSS event log
Bottle - CTD bottle from
which samples were taken
Bottle Depth - depth at
which bottle was tripped dbars
Bottom Water Temp - temp
of bottom water (°C)
Bottom Water Salinity -
salinity of bottom water (psu)
Bottom Water Silicate- [S]
in silicate of bottom water (umol/L)
Bottom Water
Nitrite+Nitrate- [N] in nitrate+nitrate of bottom water (umol/L)
Bottom Water Phospate- [P]
in phosph ate of bottom water (umol/L)
Bottom Water NH4- [N] in
NH4 of bottom water (umol/L)
Bottom Water Chl-a -
chlorophyll concentration of bottom water (mg/m3)
Integrated Chl-a -
chlorophyll concentration integrated throughout the water
- column (mg/m2)
Sed Chl-a - concentration
chlorophyll that has settled on 1 m2 (mg Chl/m2)
Std Dev sed chl-a-
standard deviation of sediment chlorophyll values for mg/m2
Sed Chl-a - concentration
chlorophyll that has settled on 1 m2 (ug/g)
Std Dev sed chl-a-
standard deviation of sediment chlorophyll values for ug/g
Infaunal Abundance –
average number of animals per m2 (no/m2)
Infaunal Biomass–
average grams of biomass per m2 (wet g/m2)
- Biomass– average
grams of carbon per m2 calculated from carbon conversion numbers
- Taxa# - average number
of taxa per m2
Infaunal Shannon-Weaver
Index- measure of diversity of a sample
- Infaunal
Shannon-Weaver Evenness- measure of evenness of sample
Sed modal size –
highest percent of sediment grain size phi class in sample
Sed Phi size- percent of
grain size fraction, 0 phi-largest, 5 phi-smallest
TOC - total organic carbon
TON - total organic
nitrogen (mg/g)
C/N - carbon-to-nitrogen
Mean respiration core
abundance- average number of animals per m2 (no/m2) from core
Mean respiration core
biomass- average grams of biomass per m2 (wet g/m2) from core
Mean respiration core
carbon biomass- average grams of biomass per m2 (wet g/m2) from core
Respiration core O2UR -
sediment oxygen uptake rate (mmol O2/m2/d) from core
Respiration coare O2UR Std
Dev - standard deviation of two O2UR experiments
- Data Notes:
blank cells indicate
- Data Version Number
and Date: Version 1, 07/17/09
- Software
Compatibility: This dataset will be posted in Microsoft Excel 03
- Gee, G.W., &
Bauder J.W. (1986), Particle-size analysis. p. 383–411. In A.
Klute (ed.) Methods of soil analysis. Part 1. 2nd ed. Agron. Monogr.
9. ASA and SSSA, Madison, WI.
- Grebmeier, J. M.,
Howard M. Feder and C. Peter McRoy (1989), Pelagic-benthic coupling
on the shelf of the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas. II. Benthic
community structure, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 51, 253-268.
- Kanneworff, E. &
Nicolaisen, W. (1973), The "HAPS:" A frame supported
bottom corer. Ophelia Supplement 10, 119-129.
- Stoker, S. W. (1978),
Benthic invertebrate macrofauna of the eastern continental shelf of
the Bering/Chukchi Seas., Ph.D. thesis, University of Alaska