TITLE: Yokosuka, Japan Radar Data [NOAC Yokosuka] CONTACTS: LCDR Joel W. Feldmeier Joel.Feldmeier@fe.navy.mil Operations Officer LT Stanley Rogers Stanley.Rogers@fe.navy.mil IT Department Head Mr. Tony Camacho Anthony.Camacho@fe.navy.mil 1.0 DATA SET OVERVIEW This data set contains radar data from the Enterprise Electronics Corporation (EEC) Edge C-band radar (SWR-250C) located at the Yokosuka, Japan US Naval Base (approximately 70km to the south of Tokyo). The data cover the period from 31 July to 6 October 2008. The data are in EEC Edge format. 2.0 DATA FORMAT AND FILE NAMING 2.1 Data Format These data are in EEC Edge format. They were using Edge V5.3 at the time of the project. 2.2 File Naming conventions yymmddhhmm??.vol where: yy is the two digit year mm is the month dd is the day of month hh is the hour mm is the minutes All times are Yokosuka local time (UTC + 9 hours). 3.0 DATA REMARKS Every 20 minutes there are two types of files created. 1) A full volume scan at 14 elevations (1.26 2.08 3.07 3.97 4.98 5.88 6.78 7.88 9.68 11.46 14.27 18.67 26.86 35.28 degrees) With a range of 120 km and a pulse width of 0.8 us. 2) A routine surveillance scan at 3 elevations (1.16 1.47 2.09 degrees) With a range of 228 km and a pulse width of 2.0 us. NOTE: The timestamps may be incorrect by a few minutes for some of the files. Late in the summer Yokosuka personnel noticed the clock on the workstation which is fed by the radar was about 11 minutes fast. They can't guarantee what the time differential was during the whole time period though. 4.0 REFERNCES None.