Header | Description | Units |
GMT Time | Time of Day (UTC) | Hours:Minutes:Seconds |
ADR | Air Density Ratio | none |
AOA | Angle of Attack | degrees |
BCA | Baor-Corrected Altitude | millibars |
BSP | Baroset Pressure | millibars |
CAS | Calibrated Air Speed | knots |
CSP | Corrected Static Pressure | millibars |
DPR | Dynamic Pressure | millibars |
GPSA | GPS Altimeter | meters |
GS | Ground Speed | knots |
IA | Inertial Altimeter | meters |
ISP | Inertial Static Pressure | millibars |
LAT | Latitude | degrees |
LON | Longitude | degrees |
PA | Pressure Altitude | meters |
PITCH | Pitch angle | degrees |
PR | Pressure Ratio | none |
PT | Total Pressure | millibars |
RA | Radar Altitude | meters |
ROLL | Roll angle | degrees |
SS | Side Slip | degrees |
TA | Corrected Static Air Temperature | �C |
TAS | True Air Speed | knots |
THD | True Heading | degrees |
TRK | Track | degrees |
TT | Total Temperature | �C |
VE | Velocity East | knots |
VN | Velocity North | knots |
VV | Vertical Velocity | knots |
WDIR | Wind Direction | degrees |
WSPD | Wind Speed | knots |
TD | Dew Point Temperature - Digital | �C |
RR | Rain Rate (SFMR) | mm/hr |
SWS | Surface Wind Speed (SFMR) | knots |
CC | Course Correction | degrees |
DVAL | Deviation Value | meters |
GA | Geopotential Altitude | meters |
HSS | Height of Standard Surface | meters |
SLP | Sea Level Pressure | millibars |
WD | Wind Direction (calculated) | degrees |
WS | Wind Speed (calculated) | knots |
Valid Flags | Parameter validity flags | binary |
Source Tags | Data Source Tags | hexidecimal |
SATCOM | Satellite Communications status | binary |
ARC210 | Motorola ARC-210 Radio status | binary |
AD | Analog/Digital Card status | binary |
DDPH | Digital Dew Point Hygrometer status | binary |
1553 | Main aircraft data bus | digital |
SFMR | Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer output | hexidecimal |