Bear identification
Variable Description Method Status
Bear ID number Unique identification code permanently associated with a bear. Tatoos and ear tags. Unavailable, threatened species status.
Birth date Cubs are assumed to be born on January 1st of their birth year. Unavailable, threatened species status.
Sex Male/Female Unavailable, threatened species status.

Morphological measurements and body condition at capture (
Variable Description Method FOR DATA CLICK HERE
Bear ID Unique identification code permanently associated with a bear. Tatoos and ear tags. Unavailable, threatened species status.
Datetime Time stamp associated with variables in this table. Unavailable, threatened species status.
Heart girth Units (cm). Measured with rope, calipers, and measuring tape. Available, included in data order
Neck shoulder Units (cm). Measured with rope, calipers, and measuring tape. Available, included in data order
Neck axis Units (cm). Measured with rope, calipers, and measuring tape. Available, included in data order
Skull width Units (cm). Measured with rope, calipers, and measuring tape. Available, included in data order
Skull length Units (cm). Measured with rope, calipers, and measuring tape. Available, included in data order
Total length Units (cm). Measured with rope, calipers, and measuring tape. Available, included in data order
Straight-line length Units (cm). Measured with rope, calipers, and measuring tape. Available, included in data order
BIA length Units (cm). Measured with rope, calipers, and measuring tape. Available, included in data order
Average resistance Units (ohms). Bioelectrical impedance unit used (RJL Systems). Available, included in data order
Weight Units (lbs). In most cases, a tripod hoist was used. Available, included in data order
Body condition score A visual assessment of body condition, validated in Stirling et al.
(2008. J. of Wildlife Management 72:568-574).
Bear positioned  in sternal recumbency, visually inspected, and assigned a score from 1 (worst condition) to 5 (best condition). Available, included in data order
Number of cubs Number of cubs captured with an adult female Available, included in data order

Blood analyses (
Variable Description Method FOR DATA CLICK HERE
Bear ID Unique identification code permanently associated with a bear. Tatoos and ear tags. Unavailable, threatened species status.
Datetime Time stamp associated with variables in this table. Unavailable, threatened species status.
RBC δ13C Red blood cells, δ13C signature. Units (�). Isotope ratio mass spectrometer connected to an elemental analyzer (Stable Isotope Facility, UW). Available, included in data order
RBC δ15N Red blood cells, δ15N signature. Units (�). Isotope ratio mass spectrometer connected to an elemental analyzer (Stable Isotope Facility, UW). Available, included in data order
RBC C Red blood cells, percent composition that is carbon. Units (%). Isotope ratio mass spectrometer connected to an elemental analyzer (Stable Isotope Facility, UW). Available, included in data order
RBC N Red blood cells, percent composition that is nitrogen. Units (%). Isotope ratio mass spectrometer connected to an elemental analyzer (Stable Isotope Facility, UW). Available, included in data order
Serum δ13C Serum δ13C signature. Units (�). Isotope ratio mass spectrometer connected to an elemental analyzer (Stable Isotope Facility, UW). Available, included in data order
Serum δ15N Serum δ15N signature. Units (�). Isotope ratio mass spectrometer connected to an elemental analyzer (Stable Isotope Facility, UW). Available, included in data order
Serum C Serum, percent composition that is carbon. Units (%). Isotope ratio mass spectrometer connected to an elemental analyzer (Stable Isotope Facility, UW). Available, included in data order
Serum N Serum, percent composition that is nitrogen. Units (%). Isotope ratio mass spectrometer connected to an elemental analyzer (Stable Isotope Facility, UW). Available, included in data order
Serum ALT Serum alanine aminotransferase. Units (U/L). Measured with a comprehensive diagnostic profile, on an Abaxis VetScan VS2. Available, included in data order
Serum ALB Serum albumin. Units (g/dL). Measured with a comprehensive diagnostic profile, on an Abaxis VetScan VS2. Available, included in data order
Serum ALP Serum alkaline phosphatase. Units (U/L). Measured with a comprehensive diagnostic profile, on an Abaxis VetScan VS2. Available, included in data order
Serum AMY Serum amylase. Units (U/L). Measured with a comprehensive diagnostic profile, on an Abaxis VetScan VS2. Available, included in data order
Serum CA++ Serum total calcium. Units (mg/dL). Measured with a comprehensive diagnostic profile, on an Abaxis VetScan VS2. Available, included in data order
Serum CRE Serum creatinine. Units (mg/dL). Measured with a comprehensive diagnostic profile, on an Abaxis VetScan VS2. Available, included in data order
Serum GLOB Serum globulin. Units (g/dL). Measured with a comprehensive diagnostic profile, on an Abaxis VetScan VS2. Available, included in data order
Serum GLU Serum glucose. Units (mg/dL). Measured with a comprehensive diagnostic profile, on an Abaxis VetScan VS2. Available, included in data order
Serum PHOS Serum phosphorus. Units (mg/dL). Measured with a comprehensive diagnostic profile, on an Abaxis VetScan VS2. Available, included in data order
Serum K+ Serum potassium. Units (mmol/L). Measured with a comprehensive diagnostic profile, on an Abaxis VetScan VS2. Available, included in data order
Serum NA+ Serum sodium. Units (mmol/L). Measured with a comprehensive diagnostic profile, on an Abaxis VetScan VS2. Available, included in data order
Serum TBIL Serum total bilirubin. Units (mg/dL). Measured with a comprehensive diagnostic profile, on an Abaxis VetScan VS2. Available, included in data order
Serum TP Serum total protein. Units (g/dL). Measured with a comprehensive diagnostic profile, on an Abaxis VetScan VS2. Available, included in data order
Serum BUN Serum urea nitrogen. Units (mg/dL). Measured with a comprehensive diagnostic profile, on an Abaxis VetScan VS2. Available, included in data order
Serum CHOL Serum total cholesterol. Units (mg/dL). Measured with a lipid panel reagent disc, on an Abaxis VetScan Available, included in data order
Serum HDL Serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Units (mg/dL). Measured with a lipid panel reagent disc, on an Abaxis VetScan Available, included in data order
Serum TRIG Serum triglycerides. Units (mg/dL). Measured with a lipid panel reagent disc, on an Abaxis VetScan Available, included in data order
Serum LDL Serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Units (mg/dL). Measured with a lipid panel reagent disc, on an Abaxis VetScan Available, included in data order
Serum VLDL Serum very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Units (mg/dL). Measured with a lipid panel reagent disc, on an Abaxis VetScan Available, included in data order
Serum TC/H Serum total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio. Measured with a lipid panel reagent disc, on an Abaxis VetScan Available, included in data order
Serum NEFA Serum non-esterified fatty acids. Units (mmol/L). Wako, product 999-34691, 995-34791, and associated reagents. Not yet generated
Serum PL Serum phospholipids. Units (mg/dL). Wako, product 433-36201. Not yet generated
Serum hydroxyproline Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum histidine Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum serine Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum arginine Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum glycine Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum aspartate Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum glutamate Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum threonine Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum alanine Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum proline Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum ornithine Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum cysteine Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum lysine Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum tyrosine Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum methionine Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum valine Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum isoleucine Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum leucine Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum phenylalanine Serum amino acid. Units (tba). Ultra-high Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC). Not yet generated
Serum cortisol Hormone related to nutrient storage and use, associated with stress. Units (ng/ml). Oxford Biomedical Research, product EA65. Available, included in data order
Serum insulin Hormone related to nutrient storage, mobiliation. Units (ug/L). Mercodia, product 10-1203-01. Available, included in data order
Serum ghrelin Hormone related to nutrient storage, mobilization, activity. Units (ng/ml). Phoenix Pharmaceuticals, product EK-031-50. Available, included in data order
Serum fatty acids (% saturated) Percent of fatty acids in the blood which lack unsaturated bonds. Units (%). Available, included in data order
Whole blood WBC Whole blood white blood cell count. Units (10^3/ul). Measured on Abaxis HM5. Available, included in data order
Whole blood LYM Whole blood lymphocyte count. Units (10^3/ul). Measured on Abaxis HM5. Available, included in data order
Whole blood MON Whole blood monocyte count. Units (10^3/ul). Measured on Abaxis HM5. Available, included in data order
Whole blood NEU Whole blood neutrophil count. Units (10^3/ul). Measured on Abaxis HM5. Available, included in data order
Whole blood EOS Whole blood eosinophil count. Units (10^3/ul). Measured on Abaxis HM5. Available, included in data order
Whole blood BAS Whole blood basophil count. Units (10^3/ul). Measured on Abaxis HM5. Available, included in data order
Whole blood RBC Whole blood red blood cell count. Units (10^6/ul). Measured on Abaxis HM5. Available, included in data order
Whole blood HGB Whole blood hemoglobin. Units (g/dL). Measured on Abaxis HM5. Available, included in data order
Whole blood HCT Whole blood hematocrit. Units (%). Measured on Abaxis HM5. Available, included in data order
Whole blood MCV Whole blood mean corpuscular volume. Units (fL). Measured on Abaxis HM5. Available, included in data order
Whole blood MCH Whole blood mean corpuscular hemoglobin. Units (pg). Measured on Abaxis HM5. Available, included in data order
Whole blood MCHC Whole blood mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. Units (g/dL). Measured on Abaxis HM5. Available, included in data order
Whole blood RDWc Whole blood red blood cell distribution width. Units (%). Measured on Abaxis HM5. Available, included in data order
Whole blood PLT Whole blood platelet count. Units (10^3/ul). Measured on Abaxis HM5. Available, included in data order
Whole blood PCT Whole blood platelet hematocrit. Units (%). Measured on Abaxis HM5. Available, included in data order
Whole blood MPV Whole blood mean platelet volume. Units (fL). Measured on Abaxis HM5. Available, included in data order
Whole blood PDWc Whole blood platelet distribution width. Units (%). Measured on Abaxis HM5. Available, included in data order

Muscle analyses (
Variable Description Method FOR DATA CLICK HERE
Bear ID Unique identification code permanently associated with a bear. Tatoos and ear tags. Unavailable, threatened species status.
Datetime Time stamp associated with variables in this table. Unavailable, threatened species status.
Fiber type (gel) % Type I fiber. Proteins visualized with SDS-PAGE gel, according to Rourke et al. (2006. J Comp Physiol B 176:709–720). Not yet generated
Type I area Cross-sectional area of Type I fibers. Succinate dehydrogenase staining, according to Sweeney et al. (2004. Advances in Physiology Education 28:23-28). Not yet generated
Type II area Cross-sectional area of Type II fibers. Succinate dehydrogenase staining, according to Sweeney et al. (2004. Advances in Physiology Education 28:23-28). Not yet generated
DNA content DNA concentration. Units (ug DNA/mg tissue). Hoescht DNA stain. Available, included in data order
Muscle δ13C Muscle δ13C signature. Units (�). Isotope ratio mass spectrometer connected to an elemental analyzer (Stable Isotope Facility, UW). Available, included in data order
Muscle δ15N Muscle δ15N signature. Units (�). Isotope ratio mass spectrometer connected to an elemental analyzer (Stable Isotope Facility, UW). Available, included in data order
Muscle C Muscle, percent composition that is carbon. Units (%). Isotope ratio mass spectrometer connected to an elemental analyzer (Stable Isotope Facility, UW). Available, included in data order
Muscle N Muscle, percent composition that is nitrogen. Units (%). Isotope ratio mass spectrometer connected to an elemental analyzer (Stable Isotope Facility, UW). Available, included in data order
Protein content Concentration of protein in muscle. Units (ug protein/mg tissue). Coomassie protein reagents used. Available, included in data order

Adipose analyses (
Variable Description Method FOR DATA CLICK HERE
Bear ID Unique identification code permanently associated with a bear. Tatoos and ear tags. Unavailable, threatened species status.
Datetime Time stamp associated with variables in this table. Unavailable, threatened species status.
Adipose δ13C Adipose δ13C signature. Units (�). Isotope ratio mass spectrometer connected to an elemental analyzer (Stable Isotope Facility, UW). Not yet generated
Adipose C Adipose, percent composition that is carbon. Isotope ratio mass spectrometer connected to an elemental analyzer (Stable Isotope Facility, UW). Not yet generated
Adipose N Adipose, percent composition that is nitrogen. Isotope ratio mass spectrometer connected to an elemental analyzer (Stable Isotope Facility, UW). Not yet generated
Subcutaneous fat thickness Depth of subcutaneous fat at tissue sample sites. Units (cm). Measured with sterile tounge depressor. Available, included in data order
Adipose lipid saturated fatty acids (% saturated) Percent of fatty acids lacking unsaturated bonds. Not yet generated
Adipose lipid content Lipids in adipose tissue. Units (mg lipid/mg tissue). Not yet generated

Breath analyses (
Variable Description Method FOR DATA CLICK HERE
Bear ID Unique identification code permanently associated with a bear. Tatoos and ear tags. Unavailable, threatened species status.
Datetime Time stamp associated with variables in this table. Unavailable, threatened species status.
Breath δ13C Breath δ13C signature. Units (�). Exhaled breath was collected and analyzed the University of Wyoming Stable Isotope Facility, following Whiteman et al. (2012. J. of Mammalogy 93:413-421).  Available, included in data order
Breath RER Respiratory Exchange Ratio. Carbon dioxide produced/oxygen consumed, per unit time. Exhaled breath was collected and analyzed as in Whiteman et al. (2012. J. of Mammalogy 93:413-421).  Available, included in data order

Location and movements (
Variable Description Method Status
Bear ID Unique identification code permanently associated with a bear. Tatoos and ear tags. Unavailable, threatened species status.
Datetime Time stamp associated with variables in this table. Unavailable, threatened species status.
Latitude and longitude Coordinates of location. GPS unit mounted on collar. Telonics TGW-3680 Gen 3 and Gen 4 collars (see Durner et al. 2009). Unavailable, threatened species status.
Ambient temperature Temperature recorded by external sensor on collar. Units (Celsius). Temperature sensor mounted on collar. Not yet filtered for accuracy
Activity score Unitless number that reflects intensity and frequency of movements. Activity sensors mounted on collar. Not yet filtered for accuracy
Salt water sensor Salinity sensor that indicates collar is submerged in seawater. Salinity sensor mounted on collar. Not yet filtered for accuracy

Body temperature (
Variable Description Method FOR DATA CLICK HERE
Bear ID Unique identification code permanently associated with a bear. Tatoos and ear tags. Unavailable, threatened species status.
Datetime Time stamp associated with variables in this table. Unavailable, threatened species status.
Subcutaneous temperature Temperature beneath subcutaneous adipose tissue, in rump. Units (Celsius). Surgically implanted sterilized Onset temperature loggers. Data collected every 10 minutes. Available, included in data order
Abdominal temperature Temperature in abdominal cavity. Units (Celsius). Surgically implanted sterilized iButton temperater loggers. Data collected every 60 minutes. Available, included in data order