README file for the ACCLIP 2022 ozone balloon sounding data from Anmyeon site, Republic of Korea The Anmyeon data includes ozonesonde measurements during two periods: pre-ACCLIP (Aug 2021), ACCLIP (Aug 2022) It provides two types of vertical resolutions: "sec" (1-sec sampling), "100" (100-m interpolated, above sea level) : ACCLIP, 100-m level data (recommended) : ACCLIP, 1-sec sampling data (only for experts) : pre-ACCLIP, 100-m level data (recommended) : pre-ACCLIP, 1-sec sampling data (only for experts) Corresponding Authors: Joowan Kim Department of Atmospheric Science Kongju National University, Korea ORCiD: 0000-0002-8609-3425 Ja-Ho Koo Department of Atmospheric Sciences Yonsei University, Korea ORCiD: 0000-0002-8716-2162 ********* Information ************ The dataset provided in the file 'ACCLIP_O3sonde_{100,sec}_Anmyeon{2021,2022}' is of research quality, following appropriate post-processing and quality control procedures. However, to avoid potential misinterpretation that could impact research results, it is advisable to review the ASOPOS* manual (or contact the PI) before using the data. This is the second version of the research data (R2), which mostly corrects background current (IB2) to be 0.05 when it becomes larger than 0.05. In addition, 100-m level data are produced for general data users. Pressure-based altitude is used instead of GPS Altitude for data consistency. Minor corrections or updates may occur during ongoing research and publication procedures. Any changes will be announced in subsequent versions (R#). For additional information, please contact the PIs or Hyungyu Kang ( * Ozonesonde Measurement Principles and Best Operational Practices: ASOPOS 2.0 (Assessment of Standard Operating Procedures for Ozonesondes) August 2021 (WMO GAW Report No. 268) ******** Data Set Description ******** This dataset is comprised of ozonesonde balloon soundings conducted from Anmyeon site (36.54 N, 126.33 E) located in the Republic of Korea during the Asian Summer Monsoon Chemical and Climate Project (ACCLIP), August of 2022. There were 38 daily balloon flights using En-Sci ECC Ozone (ECC O3) sensor equipped with an Intermet iMet-4-RSB radiosonde to measure state parameters, GPS position, and telemeter the instrument data to the ground at a rate of ~1 Hz. A complete timetable is found below with corresponding flight numbers: [ACCLIP (2022) data] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date Approx. Launch Flight Instrument Ceiling (dd/mm/yy) Time(UTC) Name Payload (km) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/07/22 05:30 AMY001 ECC O3/iMet 33.6 28/07/22 05:30 AMY002 ECC O3/iMet 31.7 29/07/22 05:30 AMY003 ECC O3/iMet 32.6 30/07/22 05:30 AMY004 ECC O3/iMet 34.4 31/07/22 08:56 AMY006 ECC O3/iMet 34.3 01/08/22 05:30 AMY007 ECC O3/iMet 33.8 02/08/22 05:30 AMY008 ECC O3/iMet 32.3 03/08/22 05:30 AMY009 ECC O3/iMet 32.7 04/08/22 05:30 AMY010 ECC O3/iMet 33.7 05/08/22 08:54 AMY012 ECC O3/iMet 33.4 06/08/22 05:30 AMY013 ECC O3/iMet 32.4 07/08/22 09:02 AMY015 ECC O3/iMet 34.0 08/08/22 05:23 AMY016 ECC O3/iMet 26.9 09/08/22 04:50 AMY017 ECC O3/iMet 33.1 10/08/22 04:29 AMY018 ECC O3/iMet 32.0 11/08/22 05:30 AMY019 ECC O3/iMet 33.8 12/08/22 05:30 AMY020 ECC O3/iMet 32.8 13/08/22 05:38 AMY021 ECC O3/iMet 33.8 14/08/22 05:35 AMY022 ECC O3/iMet 33.2 15/08/22 05:36 AMY023 ECC O3/iMet 27.9 (downward motion at ~7 km, data noise in "sec" data) 16/08/22 05:30 AMY024 ECC O3/iMet 33.5 17/08/22 05:33 AMY025 ECC O3/iMet 32.7 18/08/22 05:30 AMY026 ECC O3/iMet 33.1 19/08/22 07:32 AMY028 ECC O3/iMet 35.5 20/08/22 05:30 AMY029 ECC O3/iMet 31.9 21/08/22 05:30 AMY030 ECC O3/iMet 26.2 (signal loss after 26.2 km) 22/08/22 05:30 AMY031 ECC O3/iMet 32.4 23/08/22 05:30 AMY032 ECC O3/iMet 33.2 24/08/22 05:30 AMY033 ECC O3/iMet 31.1 25/08/22 05:30 AMY034 ECC O3/iMet 32.4 26/08/22 08:59 AMY035 ECC O3/iMet 32.9 27/08/22 05:30 AMY036 ECC O3/iMet 33.8 28/08/22 05:30 AMY037 ECC O3/iMet 32.4 29/08/22 05:30 AMY038 ECC O3/iMet 32.2 30/08/22 07:24 AMY039 ECC O3/iMet 34.7 31/08/22 08:20 AMY040 ECC O3/iMet 33.0 01/09/22 05:30 AMY041 ECC O3/iMet 33.2 02/09/22 05:00 AMY042 ECC O3/iMet 32.7 [pre-ACCLIP (2021) data] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date Approx. Launch Flight Instrument Ceiling (dd/mm/yy) Time(UTC) Name Payload (km) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 05/08/21 06:21 AMY001 ECC O3/iMet 32.8 06/08/21 05:43 AMY002 ECC O3/iMet 33.6 07/08/21 05:44 AMY003 ECC O3/iMet 33.6 08/08/21 06:19 AMY004 ECC O3/iMet 3.2 (signal loss after 3.2 km) 09/08/21 05:36 AMY005 ECC O3/iMet 33.4 10/08/21 05:40 AMY006 ECC O3/iMet 34.0 11/08/21 05:39 AMY007 ECC O3/iMet 31.1 12/08/21 05:43 AMY008 ECC O3/iMet 33.4 13/08/21 05:43 AMY009 ECC O3/iMet 34.3 14/08/21 05:57 AMY010 ECC O3/iMet 30.9 15/08/21 05:50 AMY011 ECC O3/iMet 31.7 16/08/21 05:46 AMY012 ECC O3/iMet 34.2 17/08/21 05:41 AMY013 ECC O3/iMet 32.0 18/08/21 05:28 AMY014 ECC O3/iMet 33.1 19/08/21 05:46 AMY015 ECC O3/iMet 32.8 20/08/21 05:38 AMY016 ECC O3/iMet 32.3 21/08/21 07:04 AMY017 ECC O3/iMet 35.2 24/08/21 06:18 AMY018 ECC O3/iMet 33.5 25/08/21 05:45 AMY019 ECC O3/iMet 32.2 26/08/21 05:33 AMY020 ECC O3/iMet 33.9 27/08/21 05:37 AMY021 ECC O3/iMet 33.9 28/08/21 05:33 AMY022 ECC O3/iMet 34.6 30/08/21 05:34 AMY023 ECC O3/iMet 34.6 31/08/21 05:30 AMY024 ECC O3/iMet 33.8 The flight data is provided in a single NetCDF-4 file named 'ACCLIP_O3sonde_{100,sec}_Anmyeon{2021,2022}'. The file is grouped by flight date (Flightday_YYYYMMDD). Each flight group contains 1 dimensional state parameters and GPS data from the iMet-4-RSB radiosonde and also ECC Ozonesonde variables. The variables are indexed by 'alt' (above sea level) for "100-m data", and 'time' for "1-sec data", which is UTC time in "seconds since 1970-1-1 0:0:0" (POSIX_time). Refer to the tables of the variables from iMet-4-RSB and ECC O3. ******** iMet-4-RSB Variables ******** Short Name Long Name Unit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- iMet_Alt Pressure-based Altitude kilometers (km) iMet_Lat GPS Latitude decimal degrees North (dd.ddddd) iMet_Lon GPS Longitude decimal degrees East (dd.ddddd) iMet_P Ambient Pressure hectopascal (hPa) iMet_T Ambient Temperature Degrees Celsius (°C) iMet_Theta Potential Temperature Degrees Kelvin (K) iMet_RH Relative Humidity Percent w.r.t. liquid water iMet_WS Wind Speed meters per second (m/s) iMet_WD Wind Direction degrees from North iMet_u East Velocity meters per second (m/s) iMet_v North Velocity meters per second (m/s) ******** ECC O3 Variables ******** Short Name Long Name Unit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- O3_PP Ozone Partial Pressure Millipascal (mPa) O3_VMR Ozone Volume Mixing Ratio Parts per million by volume (ppmv) O3_Column Ozone Column integrated from ground Dobson Unit (DU) The processed ascent profile ozonesonde data is provided in partial pressure, volume mixing ratio, and column ozone at 100-m (100) and ~1 Hz (sec) resolution. The column ozone is calculated from the ground to the flight altitude. In general, it is used for computing total column ozone. Total column ozone value is proved as attributes:'@O3_total_column_DU_Clim' and '@O3_total_column_DU_SBUV'. The 100-m resolution data is highly recommended considering the vertical velocity and the response time of the ECC Ozonesonde. For more information please contact Hyungyu Kang ( or Joowan Kim (