Instructions for configuring Windows to do Passive FTP


1. Open Internet Explorer from the Start Menu or command line.


2. On the Internet Explorer menu, click Tools to open the

Tools menu.


3. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options... . A new

Internet Options window will appear on the screen. (You can

access this menu via the Control Panel --> Internet Options as



4. In the Internet Options window, click the Advanced tab.


5. First, find the setting called Enable folder view for FTP

sites (located near the top of the list of settings). Ensure this

feature is disabled (unchecked). Passive FTP mode in Internet

Explorer will not work unless this feature is disabled.


6. Next, find the setting called Use Passive FTP (located

approximately halfway down in the list of settings).


7. To enable the Passive FTP feature, set the checkmark in the

box next to the Use Passive FTP setting. To disable the feature,

clear the checkmark


8. Click OK or Apply to save the Passive FTP setting.

Note: It is not necessary to reboot your computer to enable or

disable Passive FTP.


9. Go to Start -> Run and type: cmd


10. In the command window that pops-up, type:


Then use: anonymous as the user name and your e-mail address as

the password when prompted.


11. type: cd pub/incoming/arcss


12. type: put ______

where _____ is the filename you want to upload.


13. When you are finished, type: quit


If you have problems, please e-mail a description

of what happened.