ARRAY -9999 8.3 YEAR -9999 8.3 DAY -9999 8.3 DATE -9999 DATE1 NEWTIME -9999 TIME1 TIMEONLY -9999 TIME4 TIME -9999 10.3 TCODE -9999 10.3 SITEM -9999 8.3 MAT=1, SHRUB=2, MNT=3, MOSS=4. R_STP1S -9999 8.3 Soil temperature probe resistance number 1 (ohms) R_STP2S -9999 8.3 Soil temperature probe resistance number 2 (ohms) R_STP3S -9999 8.3 Soil temperature probe resistance number 3 (ohms) R_STP4S -9999 8.3 Soil temperature probe resistance number 4 (ohms) STP1S 99999 8.3 Soil temperature average top 10cm number 1 (oC) STP2S 99999 8.3 Soil temperature average top 10cm number 2 (oC) STP3S 99999 8.3 Soil temperature average top 10cm number 3 (oC) STP4S 99999 8.3 Soil temperature average top 10cm number 4 (oC) TS1_RUS 99999 8.3 Filtered Soil temperature average top 10cm number 1 (oC) TS2_RUS 99999 8.3 Filtered Soil temperature average top 10cm number 2 (oC) TS3_RUS 99999 8.3 Filtered Soil temperature average top 10cm number 3 (oC) TS4_RUS 99999 8.3 Filtered Soil temperature average top 10cm number 4 (oC) DTS1S 99999 8.3 Change is soil temperature top 10cm since previous 30min number 1 (oC) DTS2S 99999 8.3 Change is soil temperature top 10cm since previous 30min number 2 (oC) DTS3S 99999 8.3 Change is soil temperature top 10cm since previous 30min number 3 (oC) DTS4S 99999 8.3 Change is soil temperature top 10cm since previous 30min number 4 (oC) SHF1S -9999 8.3 Soil heat flux plate buried at depth number 1 (Wm-2) SHF2S -9999 8.3 Soil heat flux plate buried at depth number 2 (Wm-2) SHF3S -9999 8.3 Soil heat flux plate buried at depth number 3 (Wm-2) SHF4S -9999 8.3 Soil heat flux plate buried at depth number 4 (Wm-2) SHF5S -9999 8.3 Soil heat flux plate buried at depth number 5 (Wm-2) STORE1S -9999 8.3 Energy storage above soil heat flux plate number 1 (Wm-2) STORE2S -9999 8.3 Energy storage above soil heat flux plate number 2 (Wm-2) STORE3S -9999 8.3 Energy storage above soil heat flux plate number 3 (Wm-2) STORE4S -9999 8.3 Energy storage above soil heat flux plate number 4 (Wm-2) STORE5S -9999 8.3 Energy storage above soil heat flux plate number 5 (Wm-2) G1S -9999 8.3 Surface soil heat flux number 1 (Wm-2) G2S -9999 8.3 Surface soil heat flux number 2 (Wm-2) G3S -9999 8.3 Surface soil heat flux number 3 (Wm-2) G4S -9999 8.3 Surface soil heat flux number 4 (Wm-2) G5S -9999 8.3 Surface soil heat flux number 1 (Wm-2) HYDID1S -9999 4.0 Soil site #2 7.5 inches Below moss level SOILT1S -9999 4.0 Soil type specified for Hydra program H1V1S -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 1 H1V2S -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 2 H1V3S -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 3 H1V4S -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 4 HYDID2S -9999 7.0 Soil site #1 3.0 inches Below moss level SOILT2S -9999 7.0 Soil type specified for Hydra program H2V1S -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 1 H2V2S -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 2 H2V3S -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 3 H2V4S -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 4 HYDID3S -9999 8.0 Soil site #2 4.5 inches Below moss level SOILT3S -9999 7.0 Soil type specified for Hydra program H3V1S -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 1 H3V2S -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 2 H3V3S -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 3 H3V4S -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 4 HYDID4S -9999 4.0 Soil site #1 6.5 inches Below moss level SOILT4 -9999 4.0 Soil type specified for Hydra program H4V1S -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 1 H4V2S -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 2 H4V3S -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 3 H4V4S -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 4 T1S -9999 8.3 Air temperature - oC RH1S -9999 8.3 Relative humidity % ES1S -9999 8.3 Saturation vapour pressure - mb E1S -9999 8.3 Actual vapour pressure - mb RHA1S -9999 8.3 Absoloute humidity - g/m3 RHS1S -9999 8.3 Specific humidity - g/kg MR1S -9999 8.3 Mixing ratio - g/kg DPT1S -9999 8.3 Dew point temperture - oC T2S -9999 8.3 Air temperature - oC RH2S -9999 8.3 Relative humidity % ES2S -9999 8.3 Saturation vapour pressure - mb E2S -9999 8.3 Actual vapour pressure - mb RHA2S -9999 8.3 Absoloute humidity - g/m3 RHS2S -9999 8.3 Specific humidity - g/kg MR2S -9999 8.3 Mixing ratio - g/kg DPT2S -9999 8.3 Dew point temperture - oC P_HPAS -9999 8.3 Pressure (hpa) P_KPAS -9999 8.3 Pressure (kPa) PYS -9999 8.3 Licor silicon pyranometer (Wm-2) RN1S -9999 8.3 REBS Net radiometer number 1 (Wm-2) RN2S -9999 8.3 REBS Net radiometer number 2 (Wm-2) KDOWNS -9999 8.3 Epply shortwave radiation IN (Wm-2) KUPS -9999 8.3 Epply shortwave radiation OUT (Wm-2) ALBS -9999 8.3 Albedo LDOWNS -9999 8.3 Epply Longwave IN (Wm-2) LUPS -9999 8.3 Epply Longwave OUT (Wm-2) LALBS -9999 8.3 Longwave albedo RN3S -9999 8.3 REBS Net radiometer number 3 (Wm-2) WS1S -9999 8.3 Windspeed 1 (ms-1) WS2S -9999 8.3 Windspeed 2 (ms-1) PARS -9999 8.3 Licor PAR sensor (umol.m-2.s-1) PNLTS -9999 8.3 CR10X panel temperature (oC) BATTS -9999 8.3 Campbell Battery voltage (V) PROGS -9999 8.3 CR10X program signature H1S -9999 8.3 Hydra ID H1TYPES -9999 8.3 Hydra soil type used in processing 1=sand 2=silt 3=clay H1_ERS -9999 8.3 real dielectric constant H1_EIS -9999 8.3 imaginary dielecric constant H1_TMPS -9999 8.3 temperature H1_ERCRS -9999 8.3 corrected real dielectric constant H1_EICRS -9999 8.3 corrected imaginary dielectric constant H1_WATRS -9999 8.3 soil moisture H1_SALNS -9999 8.3 soil salinity H1_SCNDS -9999 8.3 soil conductivity H1_SCDCS -9999 8.3 corrected soil conductivity H1_WATCS -9999 8.3 temp corrected conductivity of the water in the soil H2S -9999 8.3 Hydra ID H2TYPES -9999 8.3 Hydra soil type used in processing 1=sand 2=silt 3=clay H2_ERS -9999 8.3 real dielectric constant H2_EIS -9999 8.3 imaginary dielecric constant H2_TMPS -9999 8.3 temperature H2_ERCRS -9999 8.3 corrected real dielectric constant H2_EICRS -9999 8.3 corrected imaginary dielectric constant H2_WATRS -9999 8.3 soil moisture H2_SALNS -9999 8.3 soil salinity H2_SCNDS -9999 8.3 soil conductivity H2_SCDCS -9999 8.3 corrected soil conductivity H2_WATCS -9999 8.3 temp corrected conductivity of the water in the soil H3S -9999 8.3 Hydra ID H3TYPES -9999 8.3 Hydra soil type used in processing 1=sand 2=silt 3=clay H3_ERS -9999 8.3 real dielectric constant H3_EIS -9999 8.3 imaginary dielecric constant H3_TMPS -9999 8.3 temperature H3_ERCRS -9999 8.3 corrected real dielectric constant H3_EICRS -9999 8.3 corrected imaginary dielectric constant H3_WATRS -9999 8.3 soil moisture H3_SALNS -9999 8.3 soil salinity H3_SCNDS -9999 8.3 soil conductivity H3_SCDCS -9999 8.3 corrected soil conductivity H3_WATCS -9999 8.3 temp corrected conductivity of the water in the soil H4S -9999 8.3 Hydra ID H4TYPES -9999 8.3 Hydra soil type used in processing 1=sand 2=silt 3=clay H4_ERS -9999 8.3 real dielectric constant H4_EIS -9999 8.3 imaginary dielecric constant H4_TMPS -9999 8.3 temperature H4_ERCRS -9999 8.3 corrected real dielectric constant H4_EICRS -9999 8.3 corrected imaginary dielectric constant H4_WATRS -9999 8.3 soil moisture H4_SALNS -9999 8.3 soil salinity H4_SCNDS -9999 8.3 soil conductivity H4_SCDCS -9999 8.3 corrected soil conductivity H4_WATCS -9999 8.3 temp corrected conductivity of the water in the soil H1_QVS -9999 8.3 Organic water content using hinzmans polynomial calibration H2_QVS -9999 8.3 Organic water content using hinzmans polynomial calibration H3_QVS -9999 8.3 Organic water content using hinzmans polynomial calibration H4_QVS -9999 8.3 Organic water content using hinzmans polynomial calibration NCOVCO2S -9999 8.3 Number time steps of max co2 covar NCOVH20S -9999 8.3 Number time steps of max h2o covar ELEM_S -9999 8.3 Number of elements in 10 minute block MNH2O_S -9999 8.3 Mean H2O conc from licor SDH2O_S -9999 8.3 SD of Licor H2O conc MNCO2_S -9999 8.3 Mean CO2 conc from Licor SDCO2_S -9999 8.3 SD of Licor CO2 MNP_S -9999 8.3 Mean Licor Pressure SDP_S -9999 8.3 SD Licor pressure MNT_S -9999 8.3 Mean Licor Temperature SDT_S -9999 8.3 SD of Licor Temperature MDIR_S -9999 8.3 Mean Sonic wind Direction SDDIR_S -9999 8.3 SD of Sonic wind direction MWS_S -9999 8.3 Mean sonic wind speed SDWS_S -9999 8.3 SD of soinic wind speed MNUS -9999 8.3 Mean horizontal wind speed from Sonic (ms-1) VRUS -9999 8.3 Variation in horizontal wind speed from sonic (ms-1) MNTS -9999 8.3 Mean virtual temperature from sonic (oC) VRTS -9999 8.3 Variation virtual temperature from sonic (oC) MNPS -9999 8.3 Mean Licor pressure (kPa) VRPS -9999 8.3 variation in Licor pressure (kPa) MNH2OS -9999 8.3 Mean Licor water vapour (mg.g-1) VRH2OS -9999 8.3 Variation in Licor water vapour (mg.g-1) MNCO2S -9999 8.3 Mean Licor CO2 concentration (ug.g-1) VRCO2S -9999 8.3 Variation in Licor CO2 concentration (ug.g-1) USTARS -9999 8.3 Friction velocity (m/s) TSTARS -9999 8.3 Temperature scale (oC) QSTARS -9999 8.3 Water vapour scale ( CSTARS -9999 8.3 CO2 scale (umol.mol-1) CDS -9999 8.3 Drag coefficent(u*^2/m^2) VTIS -9999 8.3 Vertical turbulence Intensity L_S -9999 8.3 Monin-Obukov length (m) Z_L_S -9999 8.3 z/L COVUWS -9999 8.3 U and W Covariance COVVWS -9999 8.3 V and W Covariance COVTWS -9999 8.3 T and W Covariance COVQWS -9999 8.3 H2O and W Covariance COVCWS -9999 8.3 CO2 and W Covariance RN_S -9999 8.3 Net radiation (Wm-2) H_S -9999 8.3 Sensible heat flux (Wm-2) LERAW_S -9999 8.3 Uncorrected latent heat flux (Wm-2) LE_S -9999 8.3 Corrected latent heat flux (Wm-2) using Werners correction XI_H2O_S -9999 8.3 CORH2O_S -9999 8.3 Correction co-efficient for latent heat flux using Werner G_S -9999 8.3 Surface ground heat flux (Wm-2) FCRAW_S -9999 8.3 Uncorrected CO2 flux (ug.g-1.m-2) FC_S -9999 8.3 Corrected CO2 flux (ug.g-1.m-2) using Werners correction XI_CO2_S -9999 8.3 CORCO2_S -9999 8.3 Correction factor for CO2 using Werners correction RN_G_S -9999 8.3 Available energy (Rn-G) (Wm-2) CLOS_S -9999 8.3 Energy balance closure (rn-G-H-LE) (Wm-2) CLOS%S -9999 8.3 Closure as a function of Rn (%) BR_S -9999 8.3 Bowen ratio HF_S -9999 8.3 Sensible heat flux fraction EF_S -9999 8.3 Evaporative fraction RS_STP1M -9999 8.3 Soil temperature probe resistance number 1 (ohms) RS_STP2M -9999 8.3 Soil temperature probe resistance number 2 (ohms) RS_STP3M -9999 8.3 Soil temperature probe resistance number 3 (ohms) RS_STP4M -9999 8.3 Soil temperature probe resistance number 4 (ohms) STP1M 99999 8.3 Soil temperature average top 10cm number 1 (oC) STP2M 99999 8.3 Soil temperature average top 10cm number 2 (oC) STP3M 99999 8.3 Soil temperature average top 10cm number 3 (oC) STP4M 99999 8.3 Soil temperature average top 10cm number 4 (oC) DTS1M 99999 8.3 Change is soil temperature top 10cm since previous 30min number 1 (oC) DTS2M 99999 8.3 Change is soil temperature top 10cm since previous 30min number 2 (oC) DTS3M 99999 8.3 Change is soil temperature top 10cm since previous 30min number 3 (oC) DTS4M 99999 8.3 Change is soil temperature top 10cm since previous 30min number 4 (oC) TS1_RUNM 99999 8.3 Filtered Soil temperature average top 10cm number 1 (oC) TS2_RUNM 99999 8.3 Filtered Soil temperature average top 10cm number 2 (oC) TS3_RUNM 99999 8.3 Filtered Soil temperature average top 10cm number 3 (oC) TS4_RUNM 99999 8.3 Filtered Soil temperature average top 10cm number 4 (oC) SHF1M -9999 8.3 Soil heat flux plate buried at depth number 1 (Wm-2) SHF2M -9999 8.3 Soil heat flux plate buried at depth number 2 (Wm-2) SHF3M -9999 8.3 Soil heat flux plate buried at depth number 3 (Wm-2) SHF4M -9999 8.3 Soil heat flux plate buried at depth number 4 (Wm-2) SHF5M -9999 8.3 Soil heat flux plate buried at depth number 5 (Wm-2) STORE1M -9999 8.3 Energy storage above soil heat flux plate number 1 (Wm-2) STORE2M -9999 8.3 Energy storage above soil heat flux plate number 2 (Wm-2) STORE3M -9999 8.3 Energy storage above soil heat flux plate number 3 (Wm-2) STORE4M -9999 8.3 Energy storage above soil heat flux plate number 4 (Wm-2) STORE5M -9999 8.3 Energy storage above soil heat flux plate number 5 (Wm-2) G1M -9999 8.3 Surface soil heat flux number 1 (Wm-2) G2M -9999 8.3 Surface soil heat flux number 2 (Wm-2) G3M -9999 8.3 Surface soil heat flux number 3 (Wm-2) G4M -9999 8.3 Surface soil heat flux number 4 (Wm-2) G5M -9999 8.3 Surface soil heat flux number 1 (Wm-2) HYDID1M -9999 4.0 Soil site #2 7.5 inches Below moss level SOILT1M -9999 4.0 Soil type specified for Hydra program H1V1M -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 1 H1V2M -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 2 H1V3M -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 3 H1V4M -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 4 HYDID2M -9999 7.0 Soil site #1 3.0 inches Below moss level SOILT2M -9999 7.0 Soil type specified for Hydra program H2V1M -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 1 H2V2M -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 2 H2V3M -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 3 H2V4M -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 4 HYDID3M -9999 8.0 Soil site #2 4.5 inches Below moss level SOILT3M -9999 7.0 Soil type specified for Hydra program H3V1M -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 1 H3V2M -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 2 H3V3M -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 3 H3V4M -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 4 HYDID4M -9999 4.0 Soil site #1 6.5 inches Below moss level SOILT4M -9999 4.0 Soil type specified for Hydra program H4V1M -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 1 H4V2M -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 2 H4V3M -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 3 H4V4M -9999 8.3 Hydra voltage 4 T1M -9999 8.3 Air temperature - oC RH1MORIG -9999 8.3 Original Relative humidity % RH1M -9999 8.3 Adjusted for over high Relative humidity % ES1M -9999 8.3 Saturation vapour pressure - mb E1M -9999 8.3 Actual vapour pressure - mb RHA1M -9999 8.3 Absoloute humidity - g/m3 RHS1M -9999 8.3 Specific humidity - g/kg MR1M -9999 8.3 Mixing ratio - g/kg DPT1M -9999 8.3 Dew point temperture - oC T2M -9999 8.3 Air temperature - oC RH2M -9999 8.3 Relative humidity % ES2M -9999 8.3 Saturation vapour pressure - mb E2M -9999 8.3 Actual vapour pressure - mb RHA2M -9999 8.3 Absoloute humidity - g/m3 RHS2M -9999 8.3 Specific humidity - g/kg MR2M -9999 8.3 Mixing ratio - g/kg DPT2M -9999 8.3 Dew point temperture - oC P_HPAM -9999 8.3 Pressure (hPa) PYM -9999 8.3 Licor silicon pyranometer (Wm-2) RN1M -9999 8.3 REBS Net radiometer number 1 (Wm-2) RN2M -9999 8.3 REBS Net radiometer number 2 (Wm-2) KDOWNM -9999 8.3 Epply shortwave radiation IN (Wm-2) KUPM -9999 8.3 Epply shortwave radiation OUT (Wm-2) ALBEDOM -9999 8.3 Albedo LDOWNM -9999 8.3 Epply Longwave IN (Wm-2) LUPM -9999 8.3 Epply Longwave OUT (Wm-2) LALBEDOM -9999 8.3 Longwave albedo RN3M -9999 8.3 REBS Net radiometer number 3 (Wm-2) WS1M -9999 8.3 Windspeed 1 (ms-1) WS2M -9999 8.3 Windspeed 2 (ms-1) PARM -9999 8.3 Licor PAR sensor (umol.m-2.s-1) PANELTM -9999 8.3 CR10X panel temperature (oC) BATTM -9999 8.3 Campbell Battery voltage (V) PROGM -9999 8.3 CR10X program signature H1M -9999 8.3 Hydra ID H1TYPEM -9999 8.3 Hydra soil type used in processing 1=sand 2=silt 3=clay H1ERM -9999 8.3 real dielectric constant H1EIM -9999 8.3 imaginary dielecric constant H1TEMPM -9999 8.3 temperature H1ERCORM -9999 8.3 corrected real dielectric constant H1EICORM -9999 8.3 corrected imaginary dielectric constant H1WATERM -9999 8.3 soil moisture H1SALINM -9999 8.3 soil salinity H1SCONDM -9999 8.3 soil conductivity H1SCNDCM -9999 8.3 corrected soil conductivity H1WATCCM -9999 8.3 temp corrected conductivity of the water in the soil H2M -9999 8.3 Hydra ID H2TYPEM -9999 8.3 Hydra soil type used in processing 1=sand 2=silt 3=clay H2ERM -9999 8.3 real dielectric constant H2EIM -9999 8.3 imaginary dielecric constant H2TEMPM -9999 8.3 temperature H2ERCORM -9999 8.3 corrected real dielectric constant H2EICORM -9999 8.3 corrected imaginary dielectric constant H2WATERM -9999 8.3 soil moisture H2SALINM -9999 8.3 soil salinity H2SCONDM -9999 8.3 soil conductivity H2SCNDCM -9999 8.3 corrected soil conductivity H2WATCCM -9999 8.3 temp corrected conductivity of the water in the soil H3M -9999 8.3 Hydra ID H3TYPEM -9999 8.3 Hydra soil type used in processing 1=sand 2=silt 3=clay H3ERM -9999 8.3 real dielectric constant H3EIM -9999 8.3 imaginary dielecric constant H3TEMPM -9999 8.3 temperature H3ERCORM -9999 8.3 corrected real dielectric constant H3EICORM -9999 8.3 corrected imaginary dielectric constant H3WATERM -9999 8.3 soil moisture H3SALINM -9999 8.3 soil salinity H3SCONDM -9999 8.3 soil conductivity H3SCNDCM -9999 8.3 corrected soil conductivity H3WATCCM -9999 8.3 temp corrected conductivity of the water in the soil H4M -9999 8.3 Hydra ID H4TYPEM -9999 8.3 Hydra soil type used in processing 1=sand 2=silt 3=clay H4ERM -9999 8.3 real dielectric constant H4EIM -9999 8.3 imaginary dielecric constant H4TEMPM -9999 8.3 temperature H4ERCORM -9999 8.3 corrected real dielectric constant H4EICORM -9999 8.3 corrected imaginary dielectric constant H4WATERM -9999 8.3 soil moisture H4SALINM -9999 8.3 soil salinity H4SCONDM -9999 8.3 soil conductivity H4SCNDCM -9999 8.3 corrected soil conductivity H4WATCCM -9999 8.3 temp corrected conductivity of the water in the soil H1_QVM -9999 8.3 Organic water content using hinzmans polynomial calibration H2_QVM -9999 8.3 Organic water content using hinzmans polynomial calibration H3_QVM -9999 8.3 Organic water content using hinzmans polynomial calibration H4_QVM -9999 8.3 Organic water content using hinzmans polynomial calibration VALID1OL -9999 8.3 VALIDS -9999 8.3 Static site valid fluxes flag (1=good, 2=bad) VALIDM -9999 8.3 Mobile site valid fluxes flag (1=good, 2=bad) NCOVCO2M -9999 8.3 Number time steps of max co2 covar NCOVH20M -9999 8.3 Number time steps of max h2o covar NEWVA295 -9999 8.3 NEWVA296 -9999 8.3 ELEM_M -9999 8.3 Number of elements in 10 minute block MNH2O_M -9999 8.3 Mean H2O conc from licor SDH2O_M -9999 8.3 SD of Licor H2O conc MNCO2_M -9999 8.3 Mean CO2 conc from Licor SDCO2_M -9999 8.3 SD of Licor CO2 MNP_M -9999 8.3 Mean Licor Pressure SDP_M -9999 8.3 SD Licor pressure MNT_M -9999 8.3 Mean Licor Temperature SDT_M -9999 8.3 SD of Licor Temperature MDIR_M -9999 8.3 Mean Sonic wind Direction SDDIR_M -9999 8.3 SD of Sonic wind direction MWS_M -9999 8.3 Mean sonic wind speed SDWS_M -9999 8.3 SD of soinic wind speed MNUM -9999 8.3 Mean horizontal wind speed from Sonic (ms-1) VRUM -9999 8.3 Variation in horizontal wind speed from sonic (ms-1) MNTM -9999 8.3 Mean virtual temperature from sonic (oC) VRTM -9999 8.3 Variation virtual temperature from sonic (oC) MNPM -9999 8.3 Mean Licor pressure (kPa) VRPM -9999 8.3 variation in Licor pressure (kPa) MNH2OM -9999 8.3 Mean Licor water vapour (mg.g-1) VRH2OM -9999 8.3 Variation in Licor water vapour (mg.g-1) MNCO2M -9999 8.3 Mean Licor CO2 concentration (ug.g-1) VRCO2M -9999 8.3 Variation in Licor CO2 concentration (ug.g-1) USTARM -9999 8.3 Friction velocity (m/s) TSTARM -9999 8.3 Temperature scale (oC) QSTARM -9999 8.3 Water vapour scale ( CSTARM -9999 8.3 CO2 scale (umol.mol-1) CDM -9999 8.3 Drag coefficent(u*^2/m^2) VTIM -9999 8.3 Vertical turbulence Intensity L_M -9999 8.3 Monin-Obukov length (m) Z_L_M -9999 8.3 z/L COVUWM -9999 8.3 U and W Covariance COVVWM -9999 8.3 V and W Covariance COVTWM -9999 8.3 T and W Covariance COVQWM -9999 8.3 H2O and W Covariance COVCWM -9999 8.3 CO2 and W Covariance RN_M -9999 8.3 Net radiation (Wm-2) H_M -9999 8.3 Sensible heat flux (Wm-2) XI_H2O_M -9999 8.3 CORH2O_M -9999 8.3 Correction co-efficient for latent heat flux using Werner LERAW_M -9999 8.3 Uncorrected latent heat flux (Wm-2) LE_M -9999 8.3 Corrected latent heat flux (Wm-2) using Werners correction G_M -9999 8.3 Surface ground heat flux (Wm-2) FCRAW_M -9999 8.3 Uncorrected CO2 flux (ug.g-1.m-2) XI_CO2_M -9999 8.3 CORCO2_M -9999 8.3 Correction factor for CO2 using Werners correction FC_M -9999 8.3 Corrected CO2 flux (ug.g-1.m-2) using Werners correction RN_G_M -9999 8.3 Available energy (Rn-G) (Wm-2) CLOS_M -9999 8.3 Energy balance closure (rn-G-H-LE) (Wm-2) CLOS%M -9999 8.3 Closure as a function of Rn (%) BR_M -9999 8.3 Bowen ratio HF_M -9999 8.3 Sensible heat flux fraction EF_M -9999 8.3 Evaporative fraction