ATLAS Sturm and others

Snow depth was measured on the four vegetation grids at all of the stake locations (every 10 meters) two different times.

Depth measurement in cm good to +-0.5 cm. Distances in m

Locations of the vegetation grid corners:

Corner UTM Northing UTM Easting Elevation Latitude Longitude
Site1 NWcor 7599743.036 387734.621 546.489 68.487710865 155.744075777
Site1 NE cor 7599758.336 387833.362 540.74 68.487887357 155.741682349
Site1 SWcor 7599644.839 387750.757 543.267 68.486837611 155.743575076
Site1 SEcor 7599660.579 387848.686 539.857 68.487017714 155.741202033
Site2 NWcor 7598812.964 387927.008 549.42 68.479455553 155.73836986
Site2 NEcor 7598753.795 388008.506 542.776 68.478957957 155.736317189
Site2 SWcor 7598729.911 387869.489 545.651 68.478688584 155.739683061
Site2 SWcor 7598673.349 387949.91 544.797 68.47821393 155.737659538
Site3 NWcor 7598875.65 388020.009 550.739 68.480054186 155.736168715
Site3 NEcor 7598816.596 388101.974 541.601 68.47955778 155.734104768
Site3 SWcor 7598793.487 387963 549.817 68.479295411 155.737470548
Site3 SEcor 7598736.106 388043.428 541.444 68.478813397 155.735445957
Site4 NWcor 7598928.286 387696.379 552.839 68.48039664 155.74412244
Site4 NEcor 7598955.703 387761.573 551.567 68.48066829 155.742561516
Site4 SWcor 7598900.268 387631.042 557.78 68.480119534 155.745686161
Site4 SEcor 7598863.611 387724.173 554.276 68.479828349 155.74337392