GPS Locations |
BLM Cabin Location |
UTM Northing |
UTM Easting |
Elevation |
7599101 |
387366 |
524 |
Locations of
the vegetation grid corners: |
Corner |
UTM Northing |
UTM Easting |
Elevation |
Latitude |
Longitude |
MAT Grid
(Moist Acidic Tundra) |
Site1 NWcor |
7599743.036 |
387734.621 |
546.489 |
68.48771087 |
155.7440758 |
Site1 NE cor |
7599758.336 |
387833.362 |
540.74 |
68.48788736 |
155.7416823 |
Site1 SWcor |
7599644.839 |
387750.757 |
543.267 |
68.48683761 |
155.7435751 |
Site1 SEcor |
7599660.579 |
387848.686 |
539.857 |
68.48701771 |
155.741202 |
(Willow/Schrub grid contains three vegetaion transects) |
Site2 NWcor |
7598812.964 |
387927.008 |
549.42 |
68.47945555 |
155.7383699 |
Site2 NEcor |
7598753.795 |
388008.506 |
542.776 |
68.47895796 |
155.7363172 |
Site2 SWcor |
7598729.911 |
387869.489 |
545.651 |
68.47868858 |
155.7396831 |
Site2 SWcor |
7598673.349 |
387949.91 |
544.797 |
68.47821393 |
155.7376595 |
MNT Grid
(Moist non-acidic tundra) |
Site3 NWcor |
7598875.65 |
388020.009 |
550.739 |
68.48005419 |
155.7361687 |
Site3 NEcor |
7598816.596 |
388101.974 |
541.601 |
68.47955778 |
155.7341048 |
Site3 SWcor |
7598793.487 |
387963 |
549.817 |
68.47929541 |
155.7374705 |
Site3 SEcor |
7598736.106 |
388043.428 |
541.444 |
68.4788134 |
155.735446 |
MOSS Grid (Mossy tundra) |
Site4 NWcor |
7598995.4 |
387664.9 |
552.839 |
68.48039664 |
155.7441224 |
Site4 NEcor |
7598955.703 |
387761.573 |
551.567 |
68.48066829 |
155.7425615 |
Site4 SWcor |
7598900.268 |
387631.042 |
557.78 |
68.48011953 |
155.7456862 |
Site4 SEcor |
7598863.611 |
387724.173 |
554.276 |
68.47982835 |
155.7433739 |
CALM Grid |
UTM northing |
easting |
NE Corner |
7599500 |
388500 |
SE Corner |
7598500 |
388500 |
SW Corner |
7598500 |
387500 |
NW Corner |
7599500 |
387500 |
Transects crossing Shrub(MAT) grid: |
Post A1 to A2: |
Point |
Northing |
Easting |
Elevation |
Lat |
Long |
rebar_A1 |
7598792.861 |
387962.514 |
548.956 |
68.47928961 |
155.737482 |
rebar_A2 |
7598700.831 |
387875.228 |
545.162 |
68.47843036 |
155.739511 |
Post B1 to B4: |
rebar_B1 |
7598768.792 |
387986.869 |
546.387 |
68.47908369 |
155.736861 |
rebar_B2 |
7598708.793 |
387925.991 |
545.593 |
68.47852193 |
155.738282 |
rebar_B3 |
7598701.588 |
387920.161 |
543.969 |
68.47845505 |
155.738416 |
rebar_B4 |
7598676.449 |
387899.315 |
541.594 |
68.47822154 |
155.738897 |
Post C1 to C2: |
rebar_C1 |
7598737.279 |
388019.488 |
542.534 |
68.47881437 |
155.736031 |
rebar_C2 |
7598646.828 |
387931.834 |
541.17 |
68.47796914 |
155.738072 |
Kucher Creek
Post locations (Nov 18 1998) |
Post |
UTM Easting |
Northing |
Elevation |
Kucher8 |
395898.862 |
7617924.426 |
391.005 |
Kucher7 |
395874.706 |
7618044.446 |
393.202 |
Kucher6 |
395863.325 |
7618101.998 |
391.767 |
Kucher5 |
395859.867 |
7618120.695 |
392.539 |
Kucher4 |
395841.498 |
7618215.177 |
393.465 |
Kucher3 |
395823.506 |
7618306.944 |
391.602 |
Kucher2 |
395800.061 |
7618426.538 |
389.254 |
Kucher1 |
395759.567 |
7618631.984 |
391.537 |
Outhouse to
Iteriak line (21mar99) : |
UTM easting |
northing |
elevation |
Start |
387391.113 |
7599118.681 |
520.428 |
End |
383645.418 |
7599276.811 |
508.065 |
Outhouse to Otuk line: |
(14 may 99) |
UTM easting |
northing |
elevation |
Start |
387387.931 |
7599116.431 |
520.97 |
End |
388798.106 |
7598728.098 |
488.002 |
SE Lake line |
UTM easting |
northing |
elevation |
Start |
387389.64 |
7599116.79 |
521.94 |
End |
390682.62 |
7594202.45 |
596.5 |
sites |
type |
Easting |
Northing |
Permafrost MNT grid |
388026.585 |
7598827.438 |
Flux Tower MNT grid |
388026.465 |
7598814.118 |
Flux Tower SHRUB grid |
387935.575 |
7598750.647 |
Permafrost SHRUB grid |
387939.442 |
7598723.108 |
Met tower MOSS grid |
387638.614 |
7598910.455 |
Precipitation gage MOSS grid |
387636.002 |
7598895.707 |
Permafrost MOSS grid |
387716.025 |
7598917.331 |
Permafrost MNT grid |
387785.371 |
7599714.085 |
Flux Tower MAT grid |
387786.581 |
7599699.796 |
Met tower MAT grid |
387772.254 |
7599601.872 |