GIDS-1 TVA Stream Flow Dataset 1.0 General Description The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) stream flow dataset is one of three hydrological datasets provided as part of the GEWEX Continental- scale International Project (GCIP) Initial Dataset One (GIDS-1). This dataset contains stream flow data from 14 TVA stations in the GIDS-1 area of interest. The GIDS-1 area is approximately 85W to 106W longitude and 30N to 45N latitude. The dataset covers the complete GIDS- 1 time period from 01 February 1992 through 30 April 1992. 2.0 Detailed Data Description The TVA stream flow dataset format contains six metadata parameters followed by two data parameters. The metadata parameters identify the station and time at which the data values were collected. Each record contains a complete day of data or 24 hours. The two data parameters (i.e., stage and stream flow) are repeated once for each hour in the UTC day (0000 to 2300). Reported stage and stream flow values are two hour averages for the preceding two hours. Because the original data was bi-hourly, every other hour is set to '-888.88 -888.88' . If an hour's values are '-888.88 -888.88', then that hour's values have been averaged into the next hour's values. Adding in the '-888.88 -888.88' hours allows each data record to begin at 0000 UTC. Conversations and correspondence with the TVA indicate that the 0400 local hour on the first day of Daylight Savings Time (DST) contains data values averaged over only one hour. This hour's data values are set to missing in this dataset. No additional quality control (QC) was performed on this dataset by the Office of Field Project Support (OFPS). The table below details the data parameters in each record, including a C programming language format description. Parameters Units (C format) Date of Observation UTC ('%-8s ') Time of Observation UTC ('%-8s ') Date of Observation Local ('%-8s ') Time of Observation Local (' %-8s ') Network Identifier Abbreviation of platform name ('%-10s ') Station Identifier Network Dependent ('%-10s ') Stream flow (bi-hourly ave) Cubic Meters per second (' %8.2f ') Stage (bi-hourly ave) Meters ('%7.2f') 2.1 Data Remarks TVA stream flow data are bi-hourly averages for the preceding two hours. Every other hour in the output shows `-888.88 -888.88' to indicate that this hour's values have been averaged into next hour's data values. For example, if data is received for hours 0200, 0400, etc., the data for hour 0100 have been included in the 0200 hour, data for 0300 have been included in the 0400 hour, etc. These alternating `-888.88 -888.88' hours were added to the data so that each day record could begin at 0000 UTC. 2.2 Sample Data The following is a sample record of the TVA stream flow data. Unlike this example, there are no carriage returns in the data. A complete day of data per station are presented in each record. See section 2.0 for an exact format specification. 92/04/16 00:00:00 92/04/15 19:00:00 TVA 00020460 -888.88 -888.88 2.18 4.06 -888.88 -888.88 2.15 4.06 -888.88 -888.88 2.10 4.05 -888.88 -888.88 2.04 4.04 -888.88 -888.88 2.01 4.04 -888.88 -888.88 1.76 4.01 -888.88 -888.88 1.76 4.01 -888.88 -888.88 1.73 4.01 -888.88 -888.88 1.61 4.00 -888.88 -888.88 1.59 4.00 -888.88 -888.88 1.56 4.00 -888.88 -888.88 1.53 3.99 3.0 Quality Control Processing No additional quality control (QC) was performed on this dataset by the UCAR/Office of Field Project Support (UCAR/OFPS). 4.0 References For additional station information, refer to the station list provided as a seperate dataset in CODIAC.