TITLE: Processed Multibeam data, BEST KNORR 195-10 Cruise - Summer 2009 Steve Roberts NCAR/EOL sroberts@ucar.edu 1.0 DATA SET OVERVIEW During this cruise the Knorr's multibeam system (SeaBeam 3012) operated for part of the time with minimal supervision. Thus sound speed profiles were not kept current but it appears to have received valid surface sound speed values during the duration of the cruise. Also, this is not a shallow water system so the data in shallow water is of low quality with a lot of noise. The original format of the raw data is the vendor specific ELAC/SeaBeam XSE or mb94 based on the mbsystem format nomenclature. The open source software package mbsystem (http://www.mbari.org/data/mbsystem/) was used to apply new sound speed profiles using the CTD data collected during this cruise. In addition, mbsystems tool "mbclean" was used as a first pass to remove the noise and artifacts from the shallow water sections. The results were visually scanned and those files that still had obvious problems were manually cleaned. This process is by no means perfect. Due to the large number of files involved only a quick visual scan was possible with only the most obvious artifacts being removed. The Knorr multibeam also appears to have installation bias issues which are most obvious in shallow water. No attempt was made to address this issue at this time. 2.0 INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION R/V Knorr, SeaBeam 3012-P1 See the web page at http://www.whoi.edu/page.do?pid=8576 for a description of the multibeam system onboard the Knorr ship. 3.0 PROCESSING This is a brief outline of the processing steps. 3.1 New sound speed profiles were manually generated using the CTD data generated on this cruise. The processed CTD files already included a column for sound speed so there was no need to calculate this value. So a simple text editor and gnuplot were the only tools needed for this step. The ocean climatology database Levitus was used for extrapolating in deep water for areas where there were no deep CTDs. 3.2 A simple perl script(svp.pl) was written to read each multibeam file and parse out it's latitude & longitude. It then used this information to compute the great circle distance for all the CTDs to that multibeam file and use the closest one for it's new sound speed profile. An example output for each file: mbset -PSVPFILE:../svp/218.sv -PHEAVEMULTIPLY:-1 -POUTFILE:svp_fix/sb20090711010933.xse -I sb20090711010933.xse mbprocess -F94 -I sb20090711010933.xse The original xse files were saved in a directory for each day with names of the form "20090705". So each directory contained a days worth of xse files. This script was used to generate the above output for a days worth of xse files and saved to "svp_process.sh". The script was then run at the command line. The corrected files are saved to a subdirectory "svp_fix". 3.3 These corrected xse files were then cleaned using the mbsystem tool "mbclean". A typical command used: mbclean -F94 -X6 -U10 -G.970/1.030 -I sb20090711010933.xse However, the values for the parameters had to be occasionally tweaked depending on the results. See the script mbclean.sh for examples. For the example above the outputs will be: sb20090711010933p.mb94 sb20090711010933p.mb94.fbt sb20090711010933p.mb94.fnv sb20090711010933p.mb94.inf sb20090711010933.xse.esf sb20090711010933.xse.par Please see the mbsystem documentation for a complete description of these file formats. This script was only useful on the shelf where the bottom was generally flat. Off the shelf and over deep water where the bottom was generally not flat this step was not done and each file had to be cleaned manually using mbedit. After the processing of all the data was completed, the original and intermediate xse files were deleted leaving only the final velocity corrected and cleaned sb20090XXXXXXXXXp.mb94 files. 4.0 DATA FILES 20090XXX.tar - The processed multibeam files along with auxiliary files generated during the processing with a days worth of data per tar file svp.tar.gz - The sound speed profiles that were manually generated from CTD's along with the script svp.pl mbclean.sh - Simple script with examples of mbclean usage. 5.0 REFERENCES R/V Knorr, SeaBeam 3012-P1 information: http://www.whoi.edu/page.do?pid=8576 mbsystem information: http://www.mbari.org/data/mbsystem/ Information for program "geod": http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/