Subject: New data release Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 From: Al Schanot All: We have finally gotten the blended reference altitude data ready for release - at both 1 Hz and 25 Hz rates. The variable is called ALTX. Per our discussions at the last PASE science meeting, Steve Conley took GPS (GGALT), radar altimeter (HGM232) and pressure altitude (PALT) data and produced a reference altitude primarily based on the more accurate GGGALT & HGM232 variables and filled in gaps with the PALT data after having removed the appropriate offset resulting from variations in surface pressure. We strongly recommend using the ALTX data, particularly at low altitudes. ALTX does show up in the original data sets, but was set to PALT under all conditions to avoid the intermittent data gaps noted in the other data sets. To access the new data files, follow the same path you used to get the original files from the NCAR MassStore. Note: The dataset currently available is this new data which includes the ALTX data. - JH