Following are brief summary of the 'NonGisData' The following terms are defined as below: north: referes to the north tramline in the biocomplexity experiment central: refers to the central tramline in the biocomplexity experiment south: refers to the south tramline in the biocomplexity experiment Date format used here: [yymmdd] example: 060810 refers to august 10, 2006 Folder descriptions: TramPhotographs: This folder contains photographs of the tramline footprint pictures taken using a Nikon Collpix 5400 camera mounted downward from the robotic tram. Pictures were taken at every meter of the tramline and the camera was triggered using a remote shutter cable attached to the camera. The folder has four folder for the years 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. Each of these folders contain photographs within the folder named for the particular date. Within each date folder, photographs are divided according to the tramlines (north, central, south). Each photographs are named in the following format: n001 ---- north meter mark 001 c001 ---- central meter mark 001 s001 ---- south meter mark 001 TramSpectralData: This folder contains spectral data collected using Unispec DC field spectrometer and a robotic tram system. The folder contains data for the years 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 Data are divided into date folders, each one of which contain data for each tramline (north, central, south) Spectral data files are in ASCII format (for details of these file please refer to the unispec dc manual available through PP systems website For 2005 spectral data contained in the folder '2005' please refer to the metadata contained within each data folder. These dataset was collected by CalState Los Angeles group and followed little different dta format, which are described in the metadata files within each data folder. For 2006, detailed metadata was not collected and only a summary metadata sheet was created, available within the 'Metadata/2006' folder For 2007, 2008 and 2009 metadata, please refer to the metadata contained within the 'Metadata' folder divided according to different years. WeatherStationData: This folder contains basic weather station data collected using a HOBO weather station installed at the end of the central tramline for 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. The weather station collected data only for the growing season and not throughout the year. The folder contains data in Excel spreadsheet form dividied according to different years.