Meteorology, Vegetation, Radiation, Microtopography, and Thaw Depth Data, Alaska, 1995-1996 Data include temperature, relative humidity, long- and short-wave radiation, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), leaf area index (LAI), microtopography, and thaw depth data for study sites on the North Slope of Alaska. Meteorological parameters were measured at 20-second intervals and averaged to 6-minute records in a data logger. Data were later averaged to one hour. Radiation data were recorded every hour. Microtopography and thaw depths were measured by Terry Chapin's group from the University of California at Berkeley. Resolution of height contours is 0.3048 cm (1/100 of a foot). Thaw depths are given in meters. It was found that several of the original documentation files were redundant or incorrectly located and/or named, and these were deleted, moved, or renamed as appropriate on April 10, 2002. The tar files were then rebuilt, and this file (arcss012doc.txt) was created on that date as well. The 1995 data are combined in the 1995.tar file, which contains the following: Hourly temperature, relative humidity, and radiation data. Documentation file: ucb.1hr.META Data files: site1.1hr site2.1hr site3.1hr site4.1hr site5.1hr site6.1hr site7.1hr site8.1hr site9.1hr site10.1hr sitelake.1hr Leaf Area Index data Documentation file: ucb.LAI.META Data files: ucb.LAI.v1.00 ucb.LAI.1995.v1.01 Microtopography data Documentation file: ucb.microtopography.META Data files: ucb.microtopography.v1.00 Thawdepth data Documentation file: ucb.thawdepths.META Data file: ucb.thawdepths.v1.00 Point frame data Documentation file: ucb.pointframe.META Data files: ucb.pointframe.KEY ucb.pointframe.v1.04 Description of Site Specific Information sites95.v1.03 The 1996 data are combined in the 1996.tar file, which contains the following: Albedo measurements around Toolik lake and Wiseman taken with an Eppley net-pyrranometer. Documentation file: ucb.albedo.META Data files: ucb.albedo.dat ucb.albedo.raw.dat Leaf Area Index data Documentation file: ucb.LAI.META Data files: ucb.lai.96-13.v1.00 ucb.lai.96-14.v1.00 ucb.lai.96-15.v1.00 ucb.lai.96-16.v1 Shrub and tree densities at the forest tundra sites near Wiseman. Documentation file: ucb.shrub_tree_density.META Data files: ucb.shrubdensity.96-18.v1.00 ucb.treedensity.96-17.v1.00 Description of Site Specific Information and Sampling times Documentation file: ucb.sites.META Data file: ucb.sites.v2.01 ucb.times.v2 Thawdepth data Documentation file: ucb.thawdepth.96.META Data files: ucb.thawdepth.96-13.v1.01 ucb.thawdepth.96-14.v1.01 ucb.thawdepth.96-15.v1.01 ucb.thawdepth.96-16.v1.01 ucb.thawdepth.96-17.v1.00 ucb.thawdepth.96-18.v1.00 Point frame data Documentation file: ucb.pointframe.META Data files: ucb.pointframe.KEY ucb.pointframe.v1.05