Output data files from LAII-BATS ARCSyM model run. All grids are 15x15 gridpoints centred at 69 deg N, 149 deg 8 min W with 20km grid resolution, except for the files in n008mean5hdf.tar, and n008mean5txt.tar which are 70x40 grids centred on 68 N and 152 W with 20km grid resolution. n008outsubtxt.tar.gz - Compressed tar file of 6-hourly subgrids in ascii format. (Need gzip/gunzip *, and tar utilities.) * See http://www.ai.mit.edu/!info/dir/!!first File format: YYMMDDHH.field.sub.output.txt where field is 'flwd2d', 'fsw2d', 'hfx', 'lhfx', 'qfx', 'qvb', 'ssw2d', 'swt2d', 'tb', or 'tgb' for longwave downward radiation (W/(m*m)), shortwave radiation (W/(m*m)), latent heat flux (multiplied by latent heat of vaporization over water and sublimation over land) (kg/(m*m*s)), latent heat flux (unmodified) (W/(m*m)), 0.995 sigma-level mixing ratio (g/kg), upper-layer soil water (mm), total soil water (mm), 0.995 sigma-level temperature (K), and ground temperature (K) respectively. or YY.field.sub.output.txt where field is 'veg2d', 'xlat', 'xlon', 'ht', 'mavail', 'satbrt', or 'msfx' for BATS land use types, latitude, longitude, surface elevation (m), available moisture, MM4 surface types, and map scale factor respectively. n008outsubhdf.tar - Tar file of 6-hourly subgrids in HDF format. File format: YYMMDDHH.sub.output.hdf for HDF format files containing flwd2d, fsw2d, hfx, lhfx, qfx, qvb, ssw2d, swt2d, tb, and tgb. or YY.sub.output.hdf for HDF format files containing veg2d, xlat, xlon, ht, mavail, satbrt, and msfx. n008outmeansubtxt.tar - Tar file of monthly mean subgrids in ascii format. File format: YYMM.field.sub.output.mean.txt where field is 'flwd2d', 'fsw2d', 'hfx', 'lhfx', 'qfx', 'qvb', 'ssw2d', 'swt2d', 'tb', or 'tgb' for longwave downward radiation, shortwave radiation, latent heat flux (multiplied by latent heat of vaporization), latent heat flux (unmodified), 0.995 sigma-level mixing ratio, upper-layer soil water, total soil water, 0.995 sigma-level temperature, and ground temperature respectively. or YY.field.sub.output.mean.txt where field is 'veg2d', 'xlat', 'xlon', 'ht', 'mavail', 'satbrt', or 'msfx' for BATS land use types, latitude, longitude, surface elevation, available moisture, MM4 surface types, and map scale factor respectively. n008outmeansubhdf.tar - Tar file of monthly mean subgrids in HDF format. File format: YYMM.sub.output.mean.hdf for HDF format files containing flwd2d, fsw2d, hfx, lhfx, qfx, qvb, ssw2d, swt2d, tb, and tgb. or YY.sub.output.mean.hdf for HDF format files containing veg2d, xlat, xlon, ht, mavail, satbrt, and msfx. n008mean5txt.tar - Tar file of monthly mean subgrids in ascii format. File format: YYMM.field.sub.output.mean5.txt where field is 'flwd2d', 'fsw2d', 'hfx', 'lhfx', 'qfx', 'qvb', 'ssw2d', 'swt2d', 'tb', or 'tgb' for longwave downward radiation, shortwave radiation, latent heat flux (multiplied by latent heat of vaporization), latent heat flux (unmodified), 0.995 sigma-level mixing ratio, upper-layer soil water, total soil water, 0.995 sigma-level temperature, and ground temperature respectively. or YY.field.sub.output.mean5.txt where field is 'veg2d', 'xlat', 'xlon', 'ht', 'mavail', 'satbrt', or 'msfx' for BATS land use types, latitude, longitude, surface elevation, available moisture, MM4 surface types, and map scale factor respectively. n008mean5hdf.tar - Tar file of monthly mean subgrids in HDF format. File format: YYMM.sub.output.mean5.hdf for HDF format files containing flwd2d, fsw2d, hfx, lhfx, qfx, qvb, ssw2d, swt2d, tb, and tgb. or YY.sub.output.mean5.hdf for HDF format files containing veg2d, xlat, xlon, ht, mavail, satbrt, and msfx.