TITLE OF DATASET Model Output from MBL-GEM III for a Typical Tussock-Tundra Hill Slope, 1921-2100 DATA ORGANIZATION Data and methods are described in file "hillslope_documentation.txt." File Names: FaVcell01.txt through FaVcell20.txt and Hobcell01.txt through Hobcell20.txt File Type: Ascii text File naming convention: YYYcellXX.txt where YYY = FaV (Flanagan and Veum response curve) or Hob (Sarah Hobbie moisture response curve) and XX = 01-20 is cell number for locations 5 m apart with cell 1 at the top of the hill slope and cell 20 at the bottom. DOCUMENTATION Please be sure to read the complete documentation in detail before working with the data.