CORING DATA FROM DRAINED THAW-LAKE BASINS OF THE ARCTIC COASTAL PLAIN, ALASKA DATA ORGANIZATION The names, sizes, and formats of the files in the ZIP are outlined in the following: File Name |File Size|File Type AK_Soils_Final.xls |347 KB |Microsoft Excel April_01_Barrow_Data_Rev1.xls |584 KB |Microsoft Excel April_02_AK_DTLB_data1.xls |170 KB |Microsoft Excel August-01-Data.xls |168 KB |Microsoft Excel Barrow_Soil.xls |64 KB |Microsoft Excel Barrow_Soil_Descrip.xls |68 KB |Microsoft Excel C_Pool_DTLB_scaling.xls |19 KB |Microsoft Excel Drain_Thaw_Lake_Classif.xls |18 KB |Microsoft Excel Rev_Form_DTLB_Coring.xls |16 KB |Microsoft Excel S-basinsumaug02.xls |210 KB |Microsoft Excel SummaryBasinSamples03rev.xls |45 KB |Microsoft Excel PROCESSING_PERMAFROST_CORES.doc|22 KB |Microsoft Word Document DOCUMENTATION Please be sure to read the complete documentation in detail before working with the data.