NOAA ship Discoverer Nonmethane Hydrocarbon Data set -- EQUILIRATOR MEASUREMENTS Preliminary data set measured, reduced and compiled by MIT VERSION 4.0, MAY 14, 1997 Ron Prinn, Gary Kleiman, Alex Pszenny, Ashwini Deshpande, and Xian Shi Data File CODIAC_EQU contains the following parameters: Julian Time Julian Date propane 2-me-propane butane 2-me-propene c-2-butene cyclopentane 2-me-butane pentane 1,3-butadiene Julian Time The Julian Time is listed in the format YDDDHHMM where the Y represents the 5 in 1995, DDD is the day of year, HH is the hour of the day and MM the minute of that hour all listed in GMT. The time listed corrsponds to the start of sample collection, thus 52971521 would be the representation for a sample which was collected starting at 3:21 PM GMT on October 24, 1995. (Some sample collections took up to 20 minutes.) Julian Date The Julian day of year listed in decimal days (GMT). Thus 297.640 would also be the representation for 3:21 PM GMT on October 24, 1995. propane 2-me-propane butane 2-me-propene c-2-butene cyclopentane 2-me-butane pentane 1,3-butadiene All compounds listed here are reported in parts per trillion by volume as observed in air equilibrated with surface seawater on the ship. Detection limits are between 6 and 14 ppt for all of the compounds listed, thus for this data file, all but the last digit are significant. 1. Instrument and Operation Measurements were obtained by cryogenically preconcentrating between 300 and 500 ml of gas drawn through stainless steel tubing from the headspace of an onboard equilibrator. Samples were dried with phosphorous pentoxide (Aquasorb) traps and sodium hydroxide (Ascarite) traps were used to remove carbon dioxide. The concentrated samples were then analyzed with a Hewlett-Packard 5890 Series II gas chromatograph with a PLOT (Chrompack) column and flame ionization detector. 2. Calibration and Data Reduction Calibrations were achieved by measuring an on-board gas standard (prepared at MIT and intercalibrated through the IGAC/NOMHICE activity) nominally once per day. Linearity of the FID is assumed and concentrations are calculated based on integrated area under corresponding peaks of the chromatogram. Due to potential saturation of traps with hydrocarbons from the standard gas, each chromatogram immediately following a standard collection, and 4 chromatograms following a trap change have been excluded. Other measurements were rejected when a clear analytical problem was noted (e.g. collection flow rate was not maintained, damage to column discovered, etc.) While the data set remains preliminary and subject to change as analysis proceeds, generally good agreement is found between many of the data and those obtained previously by Donahue and Prinn (JGR 98, No. D9, Pg. 16,915, 1993) during the 1990 SAGA III cruise and Shi and Prinn (JGR, submitted) during the 1992 MAGE cruise.