Notes on DOW data archive for VORTEX2 DOW data are organized by day (local time). Within each day, files are organized by DOW Within each radar subdirectory, files are organized by deployment (e.g. dep1, dep2) So, for example, DOW6 data for 5 June, deployment 1 is in directory ../dow6/dep1 For all these sweeps, elevation and azimuthal corrections have been made. Latitude, Longitude, and altitude have been entered into headers. Readme files in each directory, named DeplInfo, contain the details of these corrections, including deployment/undeployment times, and the subjectively determined uncertainties in the azimuthal corrections. On some days, for some radars, there are sweeps from times when radars were not level, or were moving. These are in directories labeled undeployedSwps.No elevation or azimuth corrections have been made, and latitude/longitude/altitude are not correct. -Each sweep file contains various radar parameters -VE is unedited Doppler velocity data -VC is a copy of VE thresholded on NCP of 0.3 -DM is received power -DZ is reflectivity -NCP is normalized coherent power -SW is spectral width calculated from NCP -DCC is copy of DZ with NCP threshold of 0.3 -DCZ is coherent reflectivity CSWR has dealaiased and decluttered sweeps for some of these deployments, but they are not in this archive at this time (02 November 2009). Contact CSWR at for more information concerning these or other data.