MTP temperature profiles are provided as text files. A header (example shown below) explains the format. A summary of MTP results from PREDICT and quick-look images are provided here: Please contact Julie Haggerty (NCAR/EOL,, 303-497-1090) with any questions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64 2110 MJ MAHONEY (, Julie Haggerty ( Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA NCAR, Boulder, CO NGV Microwave Temperature Profiler (MTP/NGV) PREDICT 1 1 2010 08 23 2011 05 24 20100407 {FLT DATE, REDUCTION DATE & FLIGHT NUMBER} 0.0 0.0 Remote sensing altitude (meters) Elapsed UT seconds from 0 hours on day given by DATE 4 {NV = number of primary variables: temp, SEtemp, Zg, #density} 1.0 1.0 1.0 1E+21 {scale factors for primary variables: temp, SEtemp, Zg, #density} 99999 9999 99999 99999 {missing values for primary variables: temp, SEtemp, Zg, #density} Retrieved air temperature (K) Standard error of retrieved air temperture (K) Geometric altitude (meters). Molecular air density (number per cubic meter) 15 {number of auxiliary variables} 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 99 99.999 99.9 99.9 999.9 99.9 99.9 999.9 999.9 99.999 999.999 999.9 9.99 999.99 99.99 NX(1) is the number of altitudes in subsequent data records Pressure altitude of WB-57 (km) Aircraft pitch (deg) Aircraft roll (deg) Horizon brightness temperature (ie, OAT, similar to SAT); avg ch1 & ch2 & ch3(K) Tropopause #1 (km). Tropopause #2 (km). Potential temperature of tropopause #1 (K). Potential temperature of tropopause #2 (K). Latitude (deg) Longitude (deg) dT/dz (K/km) for 1.0 km layer centered on aircraft flight altitude. MRI ... a retrieval quality metric ranges 0-2, <1 is excellent Cold point temperature Tcp (K) Cold point altitude Zcp (km) 8 {number of special comment lines} *** Final Data Final Data Final Data Final Data Final Data Final Data *** *** *** *** We strongly encourage anyone using the MTP data to contact us regarding it's use *** For more information go to: *** *** Final Data Final Data Final Data Final Data Final Data Final Data 19 {number of normally included comment lines} Here's a brief free-form tutorial on how to decipher the MTP data: Data groups consist of the following group of lines per 15-second observing cycle. First line is: UTSEC, number of retrieval levels in following table, Pressure Altitude, Pitch, Roll, Outside air temp (K), tropopause altitude #1 (km), tropopause altitude #2 (km) [if present], potential temperatures of tropopause #1 and #2, latitude, longitude, & lapse rate near flight level. The 1-liners (for each cycle) can be stripped & imported into a spreadsheet for convenient plotting of trop altitude, lapse rate, etc. The tropopause altitudes are calculated by cubic spline interpolation of the retrieved altitudes using the WMO definition (that is, trop #1 is lowest altitude where average lapse rate > -2 K/km from initial -2 K/km point to any point within 2 km; trop #2 occurs above first trop after lapse rate is < -3K/km for >1 km, and then first trop definition applies, possibly from within the 1 km region.) Remaining set of lines for each cycle consist of 5 columns: col#1 is pressure altitude (meters), col#2 is temperature from MTP (Kelvin), col#3 is temperature error estimate (K), col#4 is geometric altitude (meters), based on GPS altitude (meters), and col#5 is molecular air density [1E+21/m3].