Thermistor strings Instrument: Thermistor strings (YSI44080) Uncertainty: Temperatures are accurate to 0.1C for most of the year. There were some problems during summer melt due to solar heating of the probes. File format: The temperature data from the thermistor strings is in is a directory THERM. There is a separate file for each temperature site. All files are ASCII comma separated variable format. The first row of the file is the position of the thermistors when installed. The ice surface is zero with postive positions above the surface and negative below. Subseqent rows have the date-time in the first column and temperatures in the following columns.  The building block of the strings was a 1 m long PVC rod with 10 thermistors spaced every 10 cm. These rods could easily be connected to assemble strings that extended from the air through the snow and ice into the upper ocean. The default spacing was 10 cm, though occassionally strings were overlapped to provide 5 cm spacing. Temperatures were automatically logged every hour. YSI thermistors, with an accuracy better than 0.1 C, were used. Thermistor strings appeared to work quite well during the cold portion of the year. However, there were some problems during the melt season. In general, during summer, solar heating of the strings resulted in measured air temperatures that were too high. Also, ponding resulted in a couple of the strings melting out during summer (Quebec 1, Baltimore). Zero depth is the ice surface at installation, with positive depths being in the snow and air and negative depths in the ice and upper ocean. Thermistor strings were installed at: Pittsburgh - SHEBA column site, undeformed multiyear The Ridge - thick second year ridge, Quebec 1 - thinner, multiyear Quebec 2 - thick multiyear Seattle - ponded area, hummocks nearby Tuk - mature multiyear ridge Baltimore - first-year ice