PACS Mexican Precipitation Station Information 1.0 General Description The Pan American Climate Studies (PACS) Mexican Precipitation dataset contains data from over one thousand seven hundred stations across Mexico for the period January 1989 thru April 1999. The station information provided defines each station in the PACS Mexican Precipitation dataset with station location, name, frequency of observation, etc. For a complete description of the station information file format, refer to section 2.1. 2.0 Detailed Data Description None. 2.1 Detailed Format Description The following is a complete description of the station information provided with the PACS Mexican precipitation data. Table 1 details the station list parameters. The beginning and ending dates for the period of coverage are in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) time. The Identification Type field indicates the source of the Identification field. The Occurrence field is an integer value used to indicate co-located stations. Occurences have not been set for this data. However, the station list is sorted such that co-located stations appear next to each other. Note that when a particular parameter is unknown for a station, either a blank, a question mark, or all 9's will appear in that parameter's position. For a complete list of Country, State, and County values, refer to the documents in the references (Section 4.0). Possible platform types and frequency values are listed in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. Note that only those platform types present in the PACS Mexican Precipitation data have been listed. None of the PACS Mexican Precipitation data have been commissioned. Table 1 Parameter Description --------- ----------- Identification ID in data. Identification Type ID number type. Latitude Station Latitude. Longitude Station Longitude. Occurrence Station occurrence. Lat/Lon Accuracy Number of digits accuracy in lat/lon values. Name Expanded station name. Commissioned Flag `(C)' indicates commissioned station, `(N)' indicates station which is NOT commissioned. None of the stations present in the PACS Mexican Precipitation data have been commissioned. Begin Period of Coverage Beginning date of period of coverage. End Period of Coverage End date of period of coverage. Country Country in which station is located. Always MX for Mexico. State State code. County County code. UTC offset Hour Offset from UTC time. DST switch 'y' indicates station does switch to Daylight Savings Time (DST). 'n' indicates station does not switch to DST. Platform type Collection Platform. Reporting Frequency Frequency of data collection. Elevation Station elevation. Fixed/Mobile flag Flag indicating if station has fixed location. 'f' indicates a fixed station. 'm' indicates a mobile station. Table 2 Platform Type Description ------------- ----------- 197 Mexican Precipitation Data Table 3 Reporting Frequency ------------------- < 1 second 1 second < 1 minute 1 minute 5 minute 6 minute 10 minute 15 minute 20 minute 30 minute 90 minute hourly 2 hourly 3 hourly 6 hourly 12 hourly criteria daily other no set schedule 2.2 Data Remarks None. 3.0 Quality Control Processing Not applicable. 4.0 References Department of Commerce - National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 1985: Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 10-3 Countries, Dependencies, & Areas of Special Sovereignty. Department of Commerce - NIST, Washington, DC. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 1985: Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 5-1. NIST, Washington, DC. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 1985: Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 6.-3. NIST, Washington, DC. World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 1988: Manual on Codes Volume I, Part B - Binary Codes. WMO, Geneva, Switzerland.