Gridded GOES West Data GOES-West Imager data for the PACS region (5 channels+ CSZ) ----------------------------------------------------------- Date range: 6/2/97-12/26/99 Region: 25S-45N, 180W-90W Spatial Resolution: 0.1 deg * 0.1 deg Temporal Resolution: 3 hours (8 obs/day) File content: 1 observation, 1 channel Data type: real*4 Platform: Data written on a Sun computer Access: Direct Access Record Length: 700*900*4 = 2520000 Total filesize: 2520000 bytes (700 rows * 900 columns *4 bytes/pixel) Data Oriented: North to South Missing data value: -999.0 Data location: DLT tape Naming Convention: YYJJJHHHH_???.grd where ??? is: vis Visible channel (Albedo -> Percent) 4u 3.9-micron channel (K) wv 6.7-micron water vapor channel (K) 11u 10.7-micron channel (K) 12u 12.0-micron channel (K) csz Cosine solar zenith angle The gridded GOES data has been binned into a 0.1 by 0.1 degree latitude/ longitude grid. The data have been calibrated and are stored as real*4 temperatures in Kelvin except for the vis channel, which is albedo value. Missing data values are stored as -999.0. The cosine of the solar zenith angle has been stored for use with the visible data channel. The data are stored oriented from North to South. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact: Wesley Berg NOAA/ETL R/ET1A 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305-3328 PHN: (303) 497-6066 FAX: (303) 497-3794 EMAIL: