Constant-Level Balloon Data Constant-level "smart" balloons were used to track air masses during the ACE-1 multi-flight lagrangian missions. These balloons were launched from the R/V Discoverer and transmitted position and meteorological data to receiving equipment on the C-130. The first lagrangian was aborted after the weather deteriorated rapidly during the first flight and the aircraft failed to receive the balloon transmissions. The next lagrangian mission collected data from balloon #10 during the first two flights and no transmissions were received during the third flight. The final lagrangian consisted of a pre-launch flight and then three balloon-tracking flights (Flights 24, 25, 26). Data from balloons #00, #06, and #08 were received and collected during all three of these flights. The position and basic meteorological data received from the balloons during the two successful lagrangian missions is available in a comma delimited text file, and as an Excel spreadsheet format. A list of the fields is included below. For more information or any questions, contact Steven Businger or Mark Geldmeier at the University of Hawaii, Meteorology Department. Mark Geldmeier (12-Dec-1995) Department of Meteorology, University of Hawaii Balloon data fields 1. Record Type 2. Balloon number (#00, #06, #08, #10) 3. UTC date and time 4. GPS latitude in degrees and minutes 5. north or south latitude (N, S) 6. GPS latitude in decimal degrees 7. GPS longitude in degrees and minutes 8. east or west longitude (E, W) 9. GPS longitude in decimal degrees 10. GPS altitude (meters) 11. signal to noise ratio in dBHz 12. PDOP 13. number of satellites used for position 14. atmospheric pressure (millibars) 15. tetroon super pressure (millibars) 16. air temperature (C) 17. relative humidity (%) 18. wetness (0=dry, 9=wet) 19. pump run time (seconds) 20. altitude state 21 battery voltage 22 checksum 23 carriage return/linefeed