Title: INDOEX: Maldives KCO Meteorology GPS Column Water Vapor (Gandrud) Contact: Bruce Gandrud NCAR/ATD P.O. Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307-3000 Email: gandrud@ucar.edu Dataset Description: Water vapor is not directly sensed by GPS. GPS gives the delay in travel time, converted to distance units caused by the atmosphere. The atmosphere delay has 2 components the dry or neutral delay - and the "wet delay" which is additional delay caused by the bending of the GPS ray by water vapor molecules. The neutral atmosphere accounts for over 2 meters of the atmospheric delay but can be well modeled from surface pressure. I used the Marini-Murray model for the neutral delay. The amount of bending caused by a given amount of water vapor depends on the temperature of the water vapor. KFAC is determined by the height integral of partial vapor pressure of water over temperature squared. (ref 1) Since the height integral of vapor pressure over temp**2 is not know KFAC must be approximated. For U.S. continental sites an approximation based on surface temperature is usually good to a few percent. For tropical sites it is better to use a monthly KFAC from climatology and that is what was done for KAAS. (ref 3) Total delay and KFAC are given in these .TXT files which allows use of different approaches to generating KFAC (i.e., using numerical weather model assimilations) or modeling dry delay. Heading descriptions: Station name is the name assigned to the GPS site for processing. YEAR MO DY .FRAC are the date in year, month, day, and day fraction. PWV_MM is GPS PWV in millimeters TOT_DEL is total zenith delay of the GPS signals. N_COR is a PWV gradient term for the north direction E-COR is a PWV gradient term for the east direction ERR is a numerical sigma from the least squares estimation run, in mm. KFAC is the scaling between wet delay and water vapor- wet delay / KFAC = precipitable water vapor Press is pressure in mbars Temp is temperature in Celsius RHUM is relative humidity. References: Bevis et. al. "GPS Meteorology: Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Water Vapor Using the Global Positioning System" J Geophys. Res. Vol. 97, #D14, pp15787-15801 Rocken et. al. "GPS/STORM -GPS Sensing of Atmospheric Water Vapor for Meteorology" Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Tech. Vol. 12, #3, June 1995 Ross and Rosenfeld " Estimated Mean Weighted Temperature of the Atmosphere for GPS applications" J Geophys. Res. Vol 102, #D18, pp21719-30