pro gfileopen,filename,head,rad print,' ' print,' pro gfileopen,filename,head,rad' print,' ' print,' procedure for opening and reading standard data file' print,' ' print,' filename = name of data file' print,' head = header' print,' rad = array of data values' print,' ' close,1 openr,1,filename,/f77_unformatted head=fltarr(5) readu,1,head nwd=head(0) nwd=fix(nwd) print,'NUMWORD = ',nwd close,1 openr,1,filename,/f77_unformatted head=fltarr(nwd) readu,1,head nlin=fix(head(1)) nspot=fix(head(2)) nchan=fix(head(3)) iyr=fix(head(6)) iday=fix(head(7)) ihr=fix(head(8)) imin=fix(head(9)) sec=head(10) print,' DATA FOR FILE ',filename print,' LATITUDES = ',nlin,' LONGITUDES = ',nspot,' PARAMS = ',nchan print,' YEAR = ',iyr,' DAY = ',iday,' TIME = ',ihr,imin,sec arr=fltarr(nchan) rad=fltarr(nspot,nlin,nchan) for l=0,nlin-1 do begin for k=0,nspot-1 do begin readu,1,arr rad(k,l,*)=arr endfor endfor close,1 return end