Title: R/V Ka'imimoana Sonic Anemometer and CO2 (Picarro) Data Author: Byron Blomquist PIs: Byron Blomquist University of Hawaii Oceanography 1000 Pope Rd, Honolulu, HI 96822 blomquis@hawaii.edu 808 956 5185 Chris Fairall NOAA / ESRL / PSD3 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305 Chris.Fairall@noaa.gov 1.0 Data Set Overview: Data files are 10Hz CO2, U, V, W, Relative Wind Direction and Air Temperature (from the sonic anemometer). Wind speeds are corrected for ship motion contamination [Edson et al., 1996]. A further decorrelation with respect to vertical acceleration and velocity was applied to W, removing residual traces of motion contamination. In addition, and N2 pulse variable is included to facilitate synchronization of the CO2 and wind data. The N2 pulse square wave is recorded on the wind time base. The corresponding pulse observed in the CO2 signal is used to determine the time lag between wind and CO2 measurements. For TORERO the mean lag time was 15.2 +/- 0.07 sec. [see Blomquist et al., 2013] Data covers the period from 1/26/12 00:00 UTC to 2/28/12 22:00 UTC for the R/V Ka'imimoana cruise track from Hawaii to Costa Rica. Ship position may be determined from GPS data in the SAMOS underway dataset. 2.0 Instrument Description: Wind and motion sensors and the CO2 inlet were on a 10m met tower on the bow of the ship. The anemometer is a Gill R2 sonic, with motion corrections derived from 3-axis motion and angular rate measurements from a Systron-Donner MotionPak. The CO2 analyzer is a Picarro G1301 cavity ring-down spectrometer, modified as a CO2-only instrument with upgraded pressure control valves, to minimize motion interference. All instruments ran at 10 Hz. The CO2 sample stream was dried to a dew point of <-10C, so CO2 mixing ratios are on a dry-air basis. [see Blomquist et al., 2013]. 3.0 Data Collection and Processing: Data were collected continuously for the duration of the cruise. Wind speed is computed directly from the analog calibration of the Gill R2 sonic. Sonic temperature is computed from speed-of-sound, with corrections for the cross-wind components (in MATLAB: sonT = (SpdSnd.*SpdSnd + (u.*u + W.*W)/2. + v.*v)/403-273.15;) where SpdSnd is the speed of sound in m/s. No corrections for humidity effects. Plots of spectra and cospectra for raw and motion-corrected winds are presented in the QuickTime movie file "RV_Kaimimoana_Wind_Spectra.mov". These may be used to examine the effectiveness of the motion corrections and the effects of flow obstruction contamination of the fast wind data. Note that in general, relative wind directions of +/- 120 degrees from the bow are usually good, although for flux calculations it may be desirable to restrict the sector to +/- 60 deg. The effects of severe flow distortion may be seen in spectra plots when the relative wind direction is > +/-150 deg. Note that in this processed dataset, a double angle rotation is applied to U, V and W to bring U into the streamline - thus hourly mean V and W are zero. U and V should not be interpreted in geophysical coordinates without a proper rotation which takes into account relative wind direction and heading. For computing fluxes, CO2 and W data should be synchronized by analyzing the N2 pulse response. Fluxes for periods when relative wind direction is out of sector should be discarded. For other flux processing methods and selection criteria see Blomquist et al., 2013. 4.0 Data Format: Data files are tab-delimited ASCII with one header line of variable names. File names are of the type: CO2_2012_ddd_hhmm_merge.txt, where 2012 is the year, ddd is the day-of-year, and hhmm is UTC. One QuickTime movie file of quality control plots for wind motion corrections is also included (RV_Kaimimoana_Wind_Spectra.mov). List of parameters with units: Timestamps Date/Time string Time_GPS_sec Time in seconds from midnight 1/1/2012 CO2ppm CO2 mixing ratio (dry) in ppm. U stream-wise wind speed (m/s) V cross-stream wind speed (m/s) W vertical wind speed (m/s) RelWdir Relative wind direction w/ respect to the ship's bow (deg) N2_pulse 5 V pulse which drives an N2 injection into the CO2 inlet SonicT Sonic temperature (C) This is data version G, Dec 2012. 5.0 Data Remarks: Wind data have been corrected for motion effects. CO2 data have been checked and are precise to +/-5%. 6.0 References: Edson, J. B., A. A. Hinton, K. E. Prada, J. E. Hare, and C. W. Fairall (1998), Direct covariance flux estimates from mobile platforms at sea, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 15, 547–562. Blomquist, B.W., L. Bariteau, J.W. Edson, C.W. Fairall, J.E. Hare, W.R. McGillis, B.J. Huebert, S.D. Miller, E.S. Saltzman (2013), Advances in ship-based air-sea CO2 flux measurement by eddy covariance, in preparation for JGR.